FETAL growth retardationPLACENTAGESTATIONAL ageIntroduction: the gestational process is composed of several closely related stages that are progressive, including placentation. Changes during placental development are considered important, as they can compromise the adequate nutrition of the fetus, and...
The development of the placenta begins during implantation of the blastocyst. The 32-64 cell blastocyst contains two distinct differentiated embryonic cell types: the outer trophoblast cells and the inner cell mass. The trophoblast cells form the placenta. The inner cell mass forms the foetus and ...
but the positive and certain signs of gestation are the sounds of the fetal heartbeat, which are audible with a stethoscope between the 16th and the 20th week of pregnancy; ultrasound images of the growingfetus, which can be observed throughout pregnancy; and fetal movements, which usually occu...
We Value Your Privacy We use cookies to enhance site navigation, analyze site usage & personalize content to provide social media features and to improve our marketing efforts. We also share information about your use of our site with our social media, advertising and analytics partners. By click...
Current studies on fetal membranes of reptiles are providing insight into three major historical transformations: evolution of the amniote egg, evolution of viviparity, and evolution of placentotrophy. Squamates (lizards and snakes) are ideal for such studies because their fetal membranes sustain embryo...
The fetal development of organs and functions is vulnerable to perturbation by maternal inflammation which may increase susceptibility to disorders after birth. Because it is not well understood how the placenta and fetus respond to acute lung- inflammat
Intact (n = 17) and unilaterally hysterectomized-ovariectomized (UHOX, n = 19) gilts were used to study conceptus development and the steroidogenic capability of three regions of the porcine placenta under normal and crowded intrauterine conditions. Gilts were hysterectomized on either Days 30,...
Placental hormones and fetal-placental development was reviewed by Gootwine (2004). Purification and Bioactivity of Placental Lactogen from Water Buffalo, Bubalus bubalis [2] Other placental hormones include corticotropin-releasing hormone, endorphins, dynorphins, gonadotropin-releasing hormones, inhibin, lep...
Numerous fetal abnormalities have been accurately detected prenatally with recently developed technologies such as cardiotocography, ultrasonography and magnetic resonance imaging. It has long been recognized that some of these abnormalities are better treated in utero to achieve favorable outcomes; however,...
The placenta has a maternal surface that adjoins the uterus and fetal plate to which the umbilical cord and its blood vessels are attached. There is an intensive exchange of substances through the placenta where the blood vessels of the mother and fetus come into close contact but do not ...