Placenta accreta, increta and percreta: a survey of 40 cases. Obstet Gynecol 1977; 49: 43-7.Breen JL, Neubecker R, Gregori CA, Franklin JE. Placenta accreta, increta, and percreta: a survey of 40 cases. Obstet Gynecol 1977; 49: 43-7...
aRetained placental fragments (placenta accreta, placenta increta, placenta percreta) and RPOC involve retention of a portion of placental tissue in the uterine cavity after abortion or full-term delivery. 保留胎盘的碎片 ( 胎盘 accreta,胎盘 increta,胎盘 percreta) 和 RPOC 在子宫的洞涉及胎盘的组织...
Placenta accreta, increta, and percreta. A survey of 40 cases. Forty patients with placenta accreta, increta, or percreta are presented. Clinical features revealed an average age of 29.5 years and an average parity of ... JL Breen,Neubecker RT,CA Gregori,... - 《Obstetrics & Gynecology》...
植入性胎盘(Placenta Increta):约占「胎盘植入」个案的17%;胎盘组织渗透到整层子宫肌层。穿透性胎盘(Placenta Percreta)…|基于4个网页 2. 胎盘植入 ...(placenta accreta)或或胎盘植入胎盘植入(placenta increta): (placenta increta): 胎盘部分残留 胎盘部分残...
Related to placenta increta:placenta previa pla·cen·ta (plə-sĕn′tə)·cen·tasorpla·cen·tae(-tē) 1. a.A membranous vascular organ that develops in female eutherian mammals during pregnancy, lining the uterine wall and partially enveloping the fetus, to which it is ...
Placental Adhesion Disorders: Placenta Accreta, Increta, and Percreta Placental adhesion disorders (PAD) comprise placenta accreta, increta, and percreta and refer to an abnormal spectrum of uterine invasion by the placental chorionic villi due to a defect in the decidua basalis layer, resulting in...
Placenta accreta spectrum (PAS) is an umbrella term for a variety of pregnancy complications due to abnormal placental implantation, including placenta accreta, placenta increta and placenta percreta. During the past several decades, the prevalence of PAS has been increasing, and the clinical importanc...
MD. MHCH, Deborah Levine, MD (2015): clinical features and diagnosis of morbidly adherent placenta (placenta accrete, increte, percrete).upto Date.Robert Resnik. Clinical features and diagnosis of the morbidly adherent placenta (placenta accreta, increta, and percreta ).www.uptoda...
Placenta accreta spectrum (PAS) is characterized by abnormal attachment of the placenta to the uterus, and attempts at placental delivery can lead to catastrophic maternal hemorrhage and death. Multidisciplinary delivery planning can significantly improve outcomes; however, current diagnostics are lacking as...
15.The Value of the Color Doppler Ultrasound in the Diagnosis of Placenta Previa with Placenta Accreta/increta/percreta;彩超产前诊断前置胎盘并发胎盘植入的价值(附228例前置胎盘病例分析) 16.The virus traverses the placenta and, may seriously interfere with organogenesis.病毒可透过胎盘,可能严重妨碍胎儿器...