blood pressure cuffcorrect placementhigh dependencyvital signsGarcia, Mary Grace UranzaAng, EmilyAhmad, Noor MelatiLim, Chi ChingJBI Evidence ImplementationGarcia, M.G.U., Ang, E., Ahmad, N.M. & Lim, C.C. (2012). Correct placement of blood pressure cuff during blood pressure measurement. ...
To ensure optimal inflation of LMA cuff, the LMA cuff was inflated with air and the pressure was stabilized at 60 cmH2O using a handheld manometer. Anaesthesiologists who had experience of at least more than 100 insertions of each technique performed the LMA insertion. The time taken for ...
Bland-Altman plots showed similarly poor agreement between the oscillometers and Dopplers at each cuff position, despite upper arm oscillometry being a clinically validated method of blood pressure measurement. We found a significant difference (p < 0.01) between the mean oscillometer SBP readings at...
The impact of sphygmomanometer placement and cuff placement on blood pressure measurementsdoi:10.3389/fcvm.2024.1388313Xiao-Yong ZhuPu-Hua ZhangWen-Yin HuangWan HuangXin-Hu TangHua YuSu-Nan WangFrontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine
Placement of TOF-Cuff (R) on the lower leg for neuromuscular and blood pressure monitoring during anesthetic induction for shoulder surgeriesNeuromuscular monitoringAccelerometryNeuromuscular transmissionPurpose The aim of this study was to compare two devices for neuromuscular monitoring during anesthetic ...
Comparison of Upper Arm and Forearm Blood Pressure Cuff Placement in an Intensive Care UnitConference Sponsor:Sigma Theta Tau InternationalConference Year:2011Author:Cherrington, Candace C., PhD, RNP.I. Institution Name:Wright State UniversityTitle:Associate ProfessorEmail:candace.cherrington@wright.eduCo...
Placement of TOF-Cuff on the lower leg for neuromuscular and blood pressure monitoring during anesthetic induction for shoulder surgeriesdoi:10.1007/S00540-019-02712-7Alexander DullenkopfKatja HornMarc P. SteurerFlorian HessJoEllen WelterSpringer Singapore...
When inserting a PICC into the basilic vein of the upper arm, a narrow blood pressure cuff should be used as a tourniquet to avoid concealing the puncture site. The aim of this study was to determine the appropriate tourniquet pressure using a narrow cuff when inserting a PICC into the ...
A method-comparison design was used with a convenience sample of 49 PACU patients. Noninvasive blood pressures were obtained in two different locations (forearm; upper arm) and in the upper arm with an extra-long adult and recommended large adult cuff sizes. Data were analyzed by calculating ...
This principle has been demonstrated in other vessels in the body, such as the bruits (sounds) associated with blocked carotid arteries, and the Korotkoff sounds that occur when the brachial artery is restricted by a pressure cuff and are used to measure blood pressure [15]. 1.1. Coronary ...