Even though they did tell their subjects that the sugar pills they were being given were inert, the investigators also used suggestion to convince their subjects that these pills could nonetheless induce powerful “mind-body” effects. In other words, the investigators did the very thing they ...
For clinical trials, the preliminary efficacy of ansofaxine for treating MDD has been shown in a randomized, double-blind, placebo- pill, the high-dose group administrated two 80 mg tablets of ansofaxine, and the placebo group administrated two 80 mg matched placebo pills(see the electronic ...
Be near the change you want to see happen in the world Posted byrichard A lot of people ask me “Richard, how would penis reduction pills change my life?“, to which I’m a bit confused it seems totally clear – our un-patented penis reducing pills shouldn’t really change your...
Our teachers at medical school had hardly ever mentioned homeopathy, but one thing they had nevertheless made abundantly clear to us: homeopathy cannot possibly work; there is nothing in these pills and potions! To my surprise, however, my patients improved, their symptoms subsided and, in genera...
As proof that well established drugs are fully effective slips through our fingers the second article details the extent to which sugar pills -placebos which are not medically active but are prescribed to mollify concerned patiens who don't want to hear there is no effective medicine for their...