Placebo, Meaning and Context Issues in ResearchVase, LeneJonas, Wayne BWalach, Harald
The meaning of PLACEBO is a usually pharmacologically inert preparation prescribed more for the mental relief of the patient than for its actual effect on a disorder. Did you know?
to please; seeplāk-inIndo-European roots. Sense 3, from Late Latinplacēbō,I shall please, the first word of the first antiphon of the vespers service (taken from a phrase in the following psalm,placēbō Dominō in regiōne vīvōrum, "I shall please the Lord in the land of the ...
The meaning of PLACEBO is a usually pharmacologically inert preparation prescribed more for the mental relief of the patient than for its actual effect on a disorder. Did you know?
The placebo meaning can vary in different contexts. It can be, for example, used to point out a reaction for a made-up situation. Scientifically, however, any types of 'pretend' medications (e.g.: shots, pills, fluid) used for research purposes define a placebo. This term, in medicine...
The placebo is also used to describe an adequate control in research. A more accurate definition would be the following: The placebo effect is the process of a physician working with the self-healing processes of a patient. The placebo response is healing that results from the patient’s own...
Placebo Effect: Definition and Meaning A placebo effect example is when a person wants to take sleeping medication but accidentally takes a medication that is just a pain reliever. This person can actually start to feel drowsy and believe that the medication will put them to sleep. In reality,...
Toward a research agenda on placebo The placebo effect is about healing. The healing process can be substantially influenced in actual medical practice by appropriate kinds of caring, communication, and patient empowerment. The creation of "meaning" and of "representations... DE Moerman,WB Jonas ...
placebo is traditionally conceived as a harmless artificial treatment that may be used in a clinical setting to pacify a patient or establish the efficacy of a drug or treatment procedure in experimental research by comparing the drug effect or clinical procedure to the placebo effect (Shapiro and...
Over the past two decades the placebo and nocebo effect has shifted from being a nuisance in clinical research to a promising model of an emerging neuroscience of mind-brain-body interactions. In fact, the interest in and the success of placebo research resides in its multifaceted meaning, ...