zbraiter@syr.edu Zionism was a secular movement that aspired to establish a homeland for the Jewish people. What was the role that Judaism was to play in that homeland? Was what Herzl, a founder of modern Zionism, called the New Society to be a national home or secular state of all its...
Each city was a tranquil location where Jews could deepen their commitment to Rabbinic Judaism and/or Zion. But precisely the same conditions enabled Jews to intermarry and/or convert. This process began well before World War II. A brutal wartime Japanese occupation and postwar economic trauma ...
As a young man, Wesley and his brother Charles were students at Oxford University. It is here that “Methodism” was truly born, It seems that John, Charles and two others began to spend a good deal of their time together reading chiefly, the Greek Testament. To these four, others were ...
Alba documented various world religions found in Austin, focusing on Therevada Buddhism, Islam, Sikhism, and Judaism. “The world and the people in it, how we all perceive our humanity and existence, and how we choose to seek peace and understanding fascinate me. I seek to start an intellec...
Here is another link to the Reform Judaism site where you can read the prayers transliterated and also hear them recited: http://www.reformjudaism.org/practice/prayers-blessings/shabbat-blessings-hamotzi-blessing-over-bread-meal I hope that you have a sense of blessing and abundance in your li...
Today, he co-hosts 'The Study,' a podcast focused on Judaism, and serves as a director and curator for the Long Beach Opera. Erik von Detten: Then Vince Bucci, Getty Images Erik von Detten: Then Erik von Detten may not have made Mia Thermopolis’ foot pop in 2001’s 'The Princess...
“When I reached my majority, I tried to settle down with the wife that my parents found for me. But my striving for self-control over my passions was fruitless and I ended up in the bed of prostitutes regularly. Then somehow I heard about the way of Judaism, how there were those who...
This belief was central to their understanding of Jesus' mission. The historical context of first-century Judaism was filled with messianic expectations, and many Jews were looking for a leader who would restore Israel's glory. This phrase challenges believers to recognize Jesus as the fulfillment ...
Today, he co-hosts 'The Study,' a podcast focused on Judaism, and serves as a director and curator for the Long Beach Opera. Erik von Detten: Then Vince Bucci, Getty Images Erik von Detten: Then Erik von Detten may not have made Mia Thermopolis’ foot pop in 2001’s 'The Princess...
As it turned out, about 350,000 Germans could be classified as Mischlinge; with 50,000 having converted to Christianity from Judaism; 210,000 being half-Jews; and 80,000 considered quarter-Jews. Nazi bureaucrats also disagreed on how strictly the Nuremberg Laws should be enforced. Moderate ant...