Decimals & Money Place ValueDecimal Place Value: Tenths Review place value skills to the nearest tenth. Includes comparing, ordering, and finding the value of the underlined digit.Place Value: Hundredths These worksheets will help kids learn about reading, ordering, comparing, and values of digits...
These cards have decimal numbers (tenths) on them. Cut the cards and arrange them in order from least to greatest. 4th through 6th Grades See also:Decimal Place Value: Hundredths Learn about basic decimals place value to the nearest tenths and hundredth. Worksheet ImagesMy...
Place Value An explanation ofPlace Value for numbers to 99is followed by ones fornumbers between 100 and 999and then for1,000 through 9,999. There is also help with understandingplace values as used with decimals. These include pages that covertenths,hundredths, andthousandths....
Place Value of Tenths, Hundredths, and Thousandths The figure shows the place value table for tenths, hundredths, and thousandths. Tenths is the place value that appears right after the decimal point. Its value is less than 1 or represents a fractional number. It is 1/10 position of the di...
If we go to the right after the decimal, the place values start from tenths and go on as hundredths, thousandths, and so on. The first place to the right of the decimal is on the one-tenth (1/10th) position, the next one is 1/100 and it goes on. Observe the following place ...
For example, the numbers 356.62 and 3,156,012 can be placed on the whole number place value charts to illustrate the value of each number. Place value chart for: 356.62 MillionsHundred ThousandsTen ThousandsThousandsHundredsTensOnes TenthsHundredths 3 5 6 . 6 2Rounding...
In our Math Place Value Practice area, you can practice your place value skills, adding thousands, hundreds, tens and ones. You can even use this area for adding on decimals: tenths and hundredths. You can select the numbers you want to practice with, and print out your results when you...
When comparing decimals, start in the tenths place. The decimal with the biggest value is greater. If they are the same, move to the hundredths place and compare these values. If the values are still the same, keep moving to the right until you find one that is greater or until you ...
decimal values (ten tenths = one one, ten hundredths = one tenth, etc.). In Grades 2 and up, your students will be focusing on mastering place value for ones, tens, and hundreds. In this article, we provide two lessons for introducing and developing the concept of the base ten number...
When we are going towards the left, each place is ten times greater than the previous place value. So, to the right of ones place, we have tenths (1/10) and to the right of tenths, we have hundredths (1/100), and so on. Let us look at some examples of decimal place values ...