Balloons rained down from the sky, and confetti was everywhere. It was an unforgettable experience being in that incredibly crowded yet incredibly exciting place. 中文翻译: 去年新年前夜,我去了时代广场。哎呀妈呀,那儿简直就是个人海呀!整个地方都挤满了来自各行各业的人。气氛热烈得很,到处闪烁着明亮...
And even though I was a fierce feminist, I’d never heard of Freda Brown who throughout her life campaigned for social justice in places like South Africa, then under Apartheid; Afghanistan where she helped women to learn to read; Vietnam during the Vietnam war; and Cuba and Moscow during...
Whereupon, instead of playing it cool, my “closest friends” all whipped their heads around with what sounded to me like 6 or 8 air-cracking Karate chops which broke the sound barrier within milliseconds of each other to stare bug-eyed at me. So I had to do the dance where I try to...
According to the Water Wich Hose Co. #2, step off time for the parade is 7 PM and the general public is asked to get there by 6:30 PM. All the fire departments in New Milford, local businesses, and other surrounding fire departments will all be participating in this year's parade....
/rōm/ verb 1. to move about or travel 2. to go from place to place 3. to range or wander
Water balloon fights are probably one of the cheapest and best ways to keep the whole family cool on a hot summer day. Water balloons are only a buck or two for a package of 100. Fill them up, split the balloons up evenly and then make up different games as a family. ...
No doubt that learning that Susan Sarandon does not vote with her vagina provides great relief to those who would be pulling the lever after her. She's so clever. When people ask how she gains such profound insights, she said, "I don't vote with my vagina, but it's near where ...
It was indeed a heinous claim, but one that those of us paying attention from the cheap seats knew to be true. And on Friday during her weekly press conference, Pelosi confirmed she purposely held up the coronavirus relief bill because of politics. ...