Applying Bahktin to Place Names in the Hebrew BibleBerkeley Electronic Press Selected WorksJason K. LeeEvangelical Theological Society Southwest Regional Meeting
place name- the name by which a geographical place is known toponym name- a language unit by which a person or thing is known; "his name really is George Washington"; "those are two names for the same thing" troponomy,troponymy- the place names of a region or a language considered ...
Most place names on Mars are derived from sources in the Bible or classical antiquity. 火星大部分地名都來自於聖經或古典時代。 WikiMatrix One of the simplest uniting factors for any community is its geographical name or place name 任何社区最简单的统一因素在于其地名或地方称谓。 MultiUn The...
because the optics of our social perspective make every grade of society seem the best to him who occupies it, and beholds as less favoured than himself, less fortunate and therefore to be pitied, the greater men whom he names and calumniates without knowing, judges and despises without un...
Eden is an attractive, serene name with obvious intimations of Paradise, one of several place names drawn from the Bible by the Puritans in the seventeenth century. Origin: Greek variation of Leo Meaning: "lion" Description: Currently overshadowed by the bright and lively Leo, Leon feels a sli...
place name n (name of a location)地名The study of place names is called toponymy. place of birth n (location where [sb] was born)出生地Many people never travel far from their place of birth. place of business n (premises)营业场所,经营场所,营业地点 place of residence n (home address)...
Also from the same Latin source are Italianpiazza, Catalanplassa, Spanishplaza, Middle Dutchplaetse, Dutchplaats, GermanPlatz, Danishplads, Norwegianplass. The word appears via the Bible in Old English (Old Northumbrianplaece, plaetse"an open place in a city"), but the modern word is a ...
ON THE OLD TESTAMENT PLACE NAMES IN THE PROTOCANONICAL BOOKS OF THE CZECH VERSION OF THE JERUSALEM BIBLE The contribution deals with place names in the protocanonical Old Testament books of the Czech version of the Jerusalem Bible. The author focuses on some p... R Dittmann - 《Bohemica Olom...
London place names What’s in a name?…Knightrider Street… This district of London, which lies to the south-east of Peckham in the London Borough of Southwark, is believed to owe its name to a local tavern named, you guessed it, the Nun’s Head on the linear Nunhead Green (there’...
ubs: United Bible Societies at some point released an XML dataset that disambiguates names in the Bible, though I can't locate it anywhere online The review key indicates whether identification is based on a string match with the source; if it's "automatic" or "uncertain", then I didn't...