巴黎的协和广场Place de la Concorde是法王路易十五Louis XV时期建筑,以展示他至高无上的皇权,始建于1755年。在法国大革命期间被称为“革命广场”,共和军在此把诸多皇室及保皇派送上了断头台la guillotine,其中包括国王路易十六Louis XVI及皇后玛丽·安托瓦耐特Marie-Antoinette(1793)。之后,广场中央于1836年矗立起由...
Place De La Concorde 协和广场 Place De La Concorde 协和广场;例句:1.See place de la concorde, where the guillotine once stood.见协和广场,那里曾经站在断头台。
Place de la Concorde is the largest public square in Paris. It’s a great place to stop for a sightseers’ picnic. It’s where the French gather for their biggest celebrations. But it also has a grisly past – thousands of people were guillotined here! Our Paris bus tour gives you the...
Obelisk of Luxor, a pink granite monolith was France in 1829 gave the Viceroy of Egypt, Mehemet Ali and replaced the guillotine in the Place de la Concorde. The building, which once marked the entry into the temple of Amon has over 3300 years old and is decorated with hieroglyphs represent...
Was, until they spilled his head inthe Place de la Concorde. Enfin, était... jusqu'à ce qu'ils le guillotinentPlace de la Concorde. OpenSubtitles2018.v3 Astrid looked out of the window atthe Place de la Concordelit up like a Russian ballroom. ...
Formerly known as Place Louis XV, Place de la Concorde is located between the Arc de Triomphe and the Louvre Museum, and is the second largest square in France.
de la place et l’entrée des Tuileries, sur la place de la Concorde (anciennement place de la Révolution) dans le 8ème arrondissement. Y sont exécutés Marie-Antoinette, Charlotte Corday, Louis Philippe, Danton, Camille Desmoulins, Antoine Lavoisier. La guillotine part en juin 1794 rejoin...
Place de la Concorde, public square in central Paris on the right bank of the Seine between the Tuileries Gardens and the Champs-Elysees.