The Terras do Navia IGP is scheduled to enter into force by March 8, 2023. According to thelatest list of geographical indications from the Spanish Ministry of Agriculture(updated in September of 2022), Terras do Navia will be the 43rdVdlT/IGP wine region in Spain. Terras do Navia represent...
Pacific Southwest Research Station, Forest Service; US Department of Agriculture: Albany, CA, USA, 1992; pp. 71–72. [Google Scholar] Oliver, R.L. A cognitive model of the antecedents and consequences of satisfaction decisions. J. Mark. Res. 1980, 17, 460–469. [Google Scholar] [Cross...
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Child work in agriculture in West Bengal, India: Assessment of musculoskeletal disorders and occupational health problems. J. Occup. Health 2013, 55, 244–258. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] [Green Version] De Souza, J.A.C.; Filho, M.L.M. Ergonomics posture and movement analyses of ...