Place de Bordeaux是位于斯特拉斯堡德国区以北的一座大型广场,广场上建有法国著名艺术家Bernar Venet设计的雕塑,广场东部是法国电视台 France 3 Alsace的总部。南部离孔塔德公园不足200米。 景点附近 美食 景点 购物 Le Restaurant 1741 4.8 分 239条点评 ¥1079/人 西餐 直线距离1.5km Le Tire-bouchon 4.6 分 ...
据多家行业媒体消息,克拉吉酒庄(Craggy Range)将出现在著名的波尔多葡萄酒贸易体系La Place de Bordeaux的9月发布中,据了解,这是新西兰葡萄酒在此精品葡萄酒交易系统的首次亮相。 克拉吉酒庄第三大代传人及营销经理大卫·皮博迪(David T. Peabo...
Merchants making up La Place de Bordeaux distribution system are continuing to take on new fine wines from around the world and the latest round of ‘beyond Bordeaux’ international releases has arrived in March 2023. In Bordeaux itself, this month has markedthe first release of Château Latour...
关于“波尔多交易广场干红葡萄酒(Place de la Bourse, Bordeaux, France) ”的酒款综述 本酒款产区资料ABOUT REGION 波尔多(Bordeaux)图片来源 波尔多(Bordeaux),是个名字念在嘴里便唇齿氤氲酒香的地方,人们只需一路随着酒香,穿行在绵延数百里的葡萄园中,就能体验波尔多的热情与浪漫。波尔多位于...
每年9月, La Place de Bordeaux(用于在全球发布波尔多葡萄酒的历史体系)都会发布一些世界其它酒区最受追捧的葡萄酒。 每年9月, La Place de Bordeaux(用于在全球发布波尔多葡萄酒的历史体系)都会发布一些世界其它酒区最受追捧的葡萄酒。 图片来源于:Liv-ex ...
Never was anything so misleadingly named – the Place de Bordeaux isn't a place at all. It has no physical existence. Instead it's a group of several hundred wine merchants – the négociants ofBordeaux– who constitute probably the most effective way of selling wine and market-making that...
整箱特惠装 大广场波尔多丘地红葡萄酒 Grand Place, Cotes de Bordeaux 6*750ml ¥338 【整箱购买】普莱密斯庄园白葡萄酒 Premius Bordeaux Blanc 2020 6*750ml ¥588 【整箱六瓶】崔妮克庄园红葡萄酒 Latour de France Cuvee Triniac 750ml*6 ¥348 【双支特惠装】奥莫斯起泡葡萄酒AROMAS SPARKLI...
泰妮丝普罗旺斯桃红葡萄酒 Tanins Cotes de Provence 单支装750ml ¥198 整箱特惠装 西班牙原瓶进口起泡酒 科多纽金标起泡葡萄酒 Codorniu Barcelona Sleever Edition 750ml*6 ¥1688 法国原瓶进口香槟 岚颂优年份特选香槟 Champagne Lanson Gold label Millesime 单支750ml ¥766 拉菲特庄园红葡萄酒 Chat...
But his loyalty, faux or otherwise, persists. "We are loyal to thePlace de Bordeaux'and to our negociants, who promote and sell our wines around the world," says Denz. "International direct sales by internet would not only jeopardize our relationship with La Place, but would be complicated...
Nevertheless, La Place de Bordeaux was facing a series of setbacks, dragged backwards by a flagging interest among collectors for great Bordeaux that was of course too youthful to drink, and deemed too expensive to justify buying in its infant state. ...