Answer to: For fertilization to take place, why must sexual intercourse take place in the period that starts two days before and ends one day after...
3493 Accesses 12 Citations Explore all metrics Abstract Under the impact of climate change, Taiwan, an island state, has faced the challenges of extreme weather events in recent years. Based on previous studies on climate change and vulnerability in Taipei, Taiwan, this study explores the correl...
It is likewise an excellent idea to prevent bleach or material softeners, as they can harm the material. After cleaning, individuals should enable the throw to completely dry entirely before storing it away. In between laundries, it is important to clean the covering to eliminate dust and dirt...
Citation Excerpt : Specifically, on the one hand, compared with the traditional urbanization model driven by factors such as capital and labor, the construction of smart cities will promote the embedding of technical elements such as IoTs, cloud computing, and big data into traditional industrial ...
As animals explore an environment, the hippocampus is thought to automatically form and maintain a place code by combining sensory and self-motion signals. Instead, we observed an extensive degradation of the place code when mice voluntarily disengaged f
2.1.496 Part 4 Section, CITATION 2.1.497 Part 4 Section, COMMENTS 2.1.498 Part 4 Section, CREATEDATE 2.1.499 Part 4 Section, DATABASE 2.1.500 Part 4 Section, DATE 2.1.501 Part 4 Section, DOCPROPERTY 2.1.502 Part 4 ...
Comparing the\(H\)entropy for\(t\)< 2000 vs. t > 2000, we found that the entropy before and after reaching the stability represented different distributions for the S1 trajectory (p < 1e−200; Mann–Whitney U test; Fig.2C). However, when performed the same analysis for the...
Citation Excerpt : While this may be true, it is also important to note that places may regain meaning as people familiarize themselves with or learn more about their new environment (Davenport & Anderson, 2005). For example, a large-scale survey among school pupils living in small Polish com...
After the search was completed, time and language restrictions were placed as time, and other resources were limited to handle the number of citations returned. The authors agreed that studies published between 1 January 2010 and the search date would afford the identification of relevant and up-...
A 10-item test was administered before and after each education session to measure knowledge gained from the training. Items included: “Which of these tobacco treatment medications requires a prescription?” (response options = nicotine patch, inhaler, lozenge, gum, or “all of the above”), ...