You need no selection to target an insertion point. That was just an example. You could add a new text frame and use it's only insertion point like that: var newTextFrame = app.documents[0].pages[0].textFrames.add( { geometricBounds : app.documents[0].pages[0].bounds /...
1>CSC : error CS5001: Program does not contain a static 'Main' method suitable for an entry point 2 Methods same signature but different return types 255 character limit OleDB C# - Inconsistent results 2D Array read from Text file 2D array to CSV C# steamwriter 3 dimensional list in C# ...
function loremIpsumize(myText){ // myText could be a TextFrame, Story, InsertionPoint, Word, Text etc...var loremIpsumDictionary = [[""], // this is the dictionary of words sorted by number of letters. The words are taken from InDesigns "fill with placeholder text"-...
which has adopted a series of place brands over time—ranging from “Gateway to Southern Africa” (1993–1995), “Golden Heartbeat of Africa” (1997–2000), “A world-class African city” (2001–present) and others in between—yet continues to make forays in an arena in which preeminent ...
This suite of activities empowers users to efficiently manage their records, encompassing functions such as retrieval, update, insertion, and deletion. Establishing Connection for Automation Facilitating seamless outbound automation between UiPath and Microsoft, these activities establish an authenticated ...
I am making all these materials available to be used by anybody and everybody. It is obviously an ongoing exercise / work in progress, hopefully getting bigger and more useful all the time. If you could please spread the word to family and friends, or anyone that you know is currently at...
to set the cross dimension line to the corners and then place the dimension manually. you can use snapang to get the crosshairs aligned from corner to corner, then with ortho turned on, pick on the appropriate dimension, and grab the text-insertion grip point and drag it where ...
Automated indexing– $1.50/word or phrase + $2 for names of individuals. You will need to provide a list of the words/phrases you want indexed. Table editing or creation– $3/line Images Insertion and/or cropping– $2/image Borders/Frames– $1/image (this is included in “interior form...
2) Do a grep search for \u\u\u (in a script that would be: "\\u\\u\\u") 3) Loop through the results (it's an array) and use finds.insertionPoints[-1].place(myGraphicFile); You might want to get hold of a reference to the placed file, and apply an object style... ...
DO NOT GO TO DO NOT GO TO has an alert: that displays your cookie for the current session in it. this could be used to go to any URL or run any JavaScript. The reason for the DO NOT GO TO warning is that I believe that, although i can not...