In this tutorial, we learnhow to place an image in text, one of Photoshop's most popular and classic effects. As we'll see, thanks to the power of clipping masks, placing an image inside text with Photoshop is simple and easy. I'll be using Photoshop CS6 here but this tutorial is ...
With the Type Tool selected, I'll choose my font up in theOptions Baralong the top of the screen. When you know you're going to be placing an image inside your text, you'll usually want to choose a font with thick letters so you'll be able to see more of the image. I'll choo...
Read:How to fill Text with Image in Photoshop 4] Add text in Photoshop Now that the canvas is prepared and the image is in, it is time for the text to be added. Depending on how the image was added, it may be in front of the text and hide it, or it may become the background...
In Adobe Photoshop, learn how to use the Place command to add photos, art, or any Photoshop-supported file as a Smart Object to your document.
Creaticity: Place photos inside text using Photoshop.The article discusses how to edit photographs, particularly how to push different pictures through the word LOVE. Topics covered include how to create the document and add letters, how to insert the pictures into the word LOVE, and how to ...
But I'm guessing you want a way to script placing an image into the current document. I don't know what file you want, so I've added a file dialog box which will filter out everything except anything with _01.jpg or _01.psd on the end. Your code didn't work because a) you'...
I am having trouble placing text on an image that has float, particularly for wrapping text. I can place a caption below, I can place text in flex-boxed images, but I have not yet figured out how to do it for an image with float. I figure if I have the ...
My document is very large, with nearly 10,000 text layers. I need to convert the image 180 degrees from north to south, but the text is upside down. It is too tiring to do it one by one manually, so I want to use a simple method to batch rotate 180 degrees. Votes...
We've got you started on how to place assets in the scene. After you place your assets, go ahead andadd interactivity to the objects. Have a question or an idea? If you have a question to ask or an idea to share, come and participate inAdobe Aero Community. We would love to hear...
Another method to create a precise selection in Photoshop is by using thePen Toolwhich is probably the best method to cutout an object/person by removing the background. Quick Tip: Use The Pen Tool To Make Sharp And Rounded Corners