「地方」是一個出現頻率極高的日常生活詞彙,但複歸至人文地理學、文化研究或社會學等學術範疇,它卻變成了一個繁複但難以規避的關鍵詞。Cresswell(2004)的Place: A Short Introduction 正是一本關於「地方」的導論,清晰地爬梳了「地方」的歷史脈絡、研究動向及其反思是此書之主要貢獻。此書包含五個主要章節(其中第五...
Place:AShortIntroduction 作者 Tim Cresswell著 出版社 JohnWiley 出版时间 2004年4月 ISBN 9781405106726 定价 248.80 内容简介 Thistextintroducesstudentsofhumangeographytothefundamentalconceptofplace,marryingeverydayusesofthetermwiththecomplextheoreticaldebatesthathavegrownuparoundit.Ashortintroductiontooneof...
“place is also a way of seeing, knowing, and understanding the Place: A Short Introduction Localities, Vol. 2 403 world. When we look at the world as a world place, we see worlds of meaning and experience” (p.11). Through such ...
Place: A Short Introduction This text introduces students of human geography to the fundamental concept of place, marrying everyday uses of the term with the complex theoretical debat... T Cresswell 被引量: 1743发表: 2004年 Principles of program design | Clc This text introduces students of ...
In the opening pages of Tim Creswell's (2004: 12) book Place: A Short Introduction, the author states that 'Space, landscape and place are clearly highly interrelated terms and each definition is contested.' This seemingly simple observation hovers like a compass needle, pointing the way into...
In Place: A Short Introduction, 1-12; De Certeau, Michel. 1984. “Places and Spaces.” The Practice of Everyday life, 117-118; Carney, George . 2003. “Music and Place.” In The Sounds of People and Places: A Geography of American Music from Country to Classical and Blues to Bop,...
(Yi-Fu Tuan )的阐发后,逐渐得到地理学界,尤其 是人文地理学界的重视和发展,如今已成为人文地理学的核心概念之一。然而,目前国内却很难找到一 本系统介绍这一重要概念的书籍,蒂姆•克雷斯韦尔(Tim Cresswell) 的著作“Place: a short introduction ” (中译本名为《地方:记忆、想像与认同》)正好填补了这一...
Cresswell, T. (2004).Place: A short introduction. Blackwell Publishing. Dacin, M. T., Dacin, P. A., & Tracey, P. (2011). Social entrepreneurship: A critique and future directions.Organization Science,22
“地方”这一概念,经由人文主义地理学大师段义孚(Yi-Fu Tuan)的阐发后,逐渐得到地理学界,尤其是人文地理学界的重视和发展,如今已成为人文地理学的核心概念之一。然而,目前国内却很难找到一本系统介绍这一重要概念的书籍,蒂姆?克雷斯韦尔(Tim Cresswell)的著作“Place: a short introduction”(中译本名为《地方:记...
A follow-up to making the right choice. London: Universities UK. Cresswell, T. (2004). Place: A short introduction. Oxford: Blackwell. Eijck, M., & Roth, W.-M. (2010). Towards a chronotropic theory of “place” in place-based education. Cultural Studies of Science Education, 5(4),...