Guangzhou (aka. Canton) Bus stop information-PLA Southern Theater Command General Hospital Baiyun Branch (Jingxi Nanfang Hospital Metro Station) | Route here: B6, B6快, 179, 219, 241, 504, 560, 784, 791, 833, 836, 862B, 旅游3, 夜24, 夜47
PLA Navy General Hospital PLA Rocket General Hospital PLA Space Engineering University PLA Western Theater Army Qingdao Special Servicemen Recuperation Center of PLA Navy Second Military Medical University (SMMU) Taiyuan Satellite Launch Center The 900 Hospital of Joint Logis...
he was promoted to political commissar of the 20th Group Army. In October 2014, Xu was transferred to the 54th Group Army as the political commissar. In February 2016, he was appointed political commissar of the newly formed PLA Western Theater Command's ground force. ...