3D printing of PLA/n-HA composite scaffolds with customized mechanical properties and biological functions for bone tissue engineering3D printingPolylactic acid (PLA)Nano-hydroxyapatiteBone defectComposited biomaterialsBone defect caused by trauma, tumor, infection, and other reasons is a thorny problem ...
3D printingPLA-grapheneMechanical propertiesFused deposition modelling is an additive manufacturing technology that is widely employed to produce good quality products with complex geometries at a low cost and with efficient manufacturing and delivery logistics. The mechanical properties can be enhanced by ...
Effect of 3D printing speed on the surface quality and mechanical properties of PLA parts[J]. Engineering Plastics Application,2022,50(6):61–66. 62 工程塑料应用 2022 年,第 50 卷,第 6 期 和尼龙等,其中 PLA 因具可降解性、环保无毒性,是 FDM 成型最常用的 3D 打印材料 [4]。但与传统注...
MA Xiuqing,LAO Zhichao,LI Mingqian,et al.Effect of 3D printing process parameters on mechanical properties of PLA/PTW blends[J].CHINA PLASTICS,2024,38(02):70-75. 0 前言 3D打印技术是一种将材料逐层堆积创建三维实体的...
4ALEXANDRE A,CRUZ SANCHEZ F A,BOUDAOUD H,et al. Mechanical properties of direct waste printing of polylactic acid with universal pellets extruder:Comparison to fused filament fabrication on open-source desktop three-dimensional printers[J]. ...
Influence of 3D printing process parameters on the mechanical properties of polylactic acid (PLA) printed with fused filament fabrication: experimental and statistical analysis doi:10.1007/s12008-023-01424-3Fused filament fabricationTaguchi's L27Polylactic acidFractographyTensile strengthThe present paper is...
PolyMax™ is a family of advanced 3D printing filaments produced with Polymaker’s Nano-reinforcement technology, to deliver exceptional mechanical properties and printing quality. PolyMax™ PLA is an incredibly easy-to-print filament with improved mechanical properties, making it an excellent alternati...
使用带有两个喷嘴的Ultimaker 3D打印机和用于生成指定打印参数的Ultimaker Cura软件运行实验测试。两个挤出头中使用的喷嘴的模具直径为0.4毫米。PLA灯丝放置在打印机的第一个位置,TPU放在第二个位置。所有样品的印刷参数都是恒定的(表 2),不包括表面层,其中顶部和底部图案发生了变化。