用的是PL/SQL,在执行存储过程时使用了:EXEC INSERTINFO语句,然后一直弹出error: 后来发现PL/SQL中在SQL窗口下是不能执行EXEC命令的,要用BEGIN END包起来,改成这样后马上执行成功: BEGIN INSERTINFO; END;
重启PL/SQL Developer,在sql窗口中输入s+空格,sc+空格做测试 7.执行单条SQL语句 PL/SQL Developer 7.1.2 -->tools->Preferences-->Window types ,勾上“AutoSelect Statement”。在使用PL/SQL Developer的SQL Window时,按F8键,PL/SQL Developer默认是执行该窗口的所有SQL语句,需要设置为鼠标所在的那条SQL语句,...
存储过程出现 SQL statement ignored错误是:存储过程语句错误,字段或变量名可能拼错,导致存储过程无法执行。解决方法:仔细检查存储过程里的变量,字段,语句等是否正确。PL/SQL的特点:1、PL/SQL是一种块结构语言,一个PL/SQL程序就是一个块,块中可以嵌套子块,能够使一组SQL语句的功能更具模块化程序...
--使用FOR循环处理显式游标,简化了PL/SQL块,不必打开关闭游标,不必 --发布FETCH指令,它将自动进行这三项指令。 /*游标FOR循环语法:(记录record是一个组合结构的变量,用法:变量.列名) for <record_name> in <cursor_name> loop <statement1>; <statement2>;... end loop; */ clear screen set serveroutput...
SQL%FOUND, SQL%NOTFOUND, and SQL%ROWCOUNT are PL/SQL attributes that can be used to determine the effect of an SQL statement. The SQL%FOUND attribute has a Boolean value that returns TRUE if at least one row was affected by an INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE statement, or if a SELECT INTO...
Use the FOR statement to execute a set of SQL statements more than once. Invocation This statement can be embedded within a PL/SQL procedure, function, or anonymous block statement. Authorization No privileges are required to invoke the FOR statement; however, the authorization ID of the ...
Sequential control statements, which are not crucial to PL/SQL programming. The sequential control statements are GOTO, which goes to a specified statement, and NULL, which does nothing. Topics Conditional Selection Statements LOOP Statements Sequential Control Statements 4.1 Conditional Selection...
SQL PL/SQL语法手册目录 第一部分 SQL语法部分 3 一、 CREATE TABLE 语句 3 二、 CREATE SEQUENCE语句 5 三、 CREATE VIEW语句 6 四、 INSERT语句: 7 五、 UPDATE语句: 9 六、 DELETE语句: 10 七、 TRUNCATE语句: 11 八、 各类FUNCTIONS: 12 1. 转换函数: 12 2. 日期函数 16 3. 字符函数 20 4....
设置方法:Tools->Preferences-->Window Types --> SQL Window,勾上“AutoSelect Statement”即可。 若想真清晰地知道当前语句,可以高亮显示当前SQL语句。 设置方法:Tools--> Preferences -- > User Interface -->Editor --> Other,勾上Highlight edit line即可。
This tutorial shows you how to use the PL/SQL SELECT INTO statement to fetch data of a single row from a table into variables.