The syntax for the WHILE Loop is: WHILE condition LOOP {.statements.} END LOOP; You would use a WHILE Loop when you are not sure how many times you will execute the loop body. Since the WHILE condition is evaluated before entering the loop, it is possible that the loop body maynotexec...
Introduction to PL/SQL WHILE loop statement PL/SQLWHILEloop is a control structure that repeatedly executes acode blockas long as a specific condition remains true. Here’s the syntax for theWHILEloop statement: WHILEconditionLOOPstatements;ENDLOOP;Code language:PostgreSQL SQL dialect and PL/pgSQL...
Introduction to PL/pgSQL while loop statement Thewhileloop statement executes one or more statements as long as a specified condition is true. Here’s the basic syntax of awhileloop statement: [ <> ]whileconditionloopstatements;endloop; In this...
LOOPstatements execute a sequence of statements multiple times. The loop encloses the sequence of statements that is to be repeated. PL/SQL provides four kinds of loop statements: basic loop,WHILEloop,FORloop, and cursorFORloop. For more information, see"Iterative Control: LOOP and EXIT Statemen...
LOOP statement 1; EXIT [WHEN condition] ; END LOOP; --while loop ( use the while loop if the condition has to be evaluated at the start of each iteration ) WHILE condition LOOP statement1; statement2; … END LOOP; --for loop ( use a for loop if the number of iterations is known...
Introduction to PL/pgSQL Loop statement Theloopdefines an unconditional loop that executes a block of code repeatedly until terminated by anexitorreturnstatement. The following illustrates the syntax of theloopstatement: <>loopstatements;end loop; Typically...
在END LOOP 后边写上标志 ( inner_loop, outer_loop ) 是好习惯。 5. Composite Data Types - PL/SQL records - PL/SQL collections ( index by table , nested table, varray ) ( 貌似这种不常用 ) ( 就是将多种相关的数据集中在一起看,比如 employeer, 有 name, salary, birthday, 等等,虽然 nam...
PL/SQLには、「文字列が次のソース行へ続く」ことを意味する行継続文字がありません。文字列を次のソース行へ続けた場合、文字列に改行文字が含まれます。 たとえば、次のPL/SQLコードの場合: BEGIN DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('This string breaks here.'); END; / 次のように印刷されます。 This...
The INSTALLDIR parameter did not work for the 64 bit msi package, and has now been replaced with an INSTALLPATH parameter PL/SQL Beautifier & parser did not recognize the EDITIONABLE and FORCE clauses Syntax highlighting for q’strings was not always correct...
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