FORrecordIN(select_statement)LOOPprocess_record_statements;ENDLOOP;Code language:PostgreSQL SQL dialect and PL/pgSQL(pgsql) In this case, the cursorFOR LOOPdeclares, opens, fetches from, and closes an implicit cursor. However, the implicit cursor is internal; therefore, you cannot reference it....
Same example is given below for explicit cursor but with For Loop, the For Loop cursors are more smart as there is no need to declare variables to fetch values in them and no need to open or close or to check whether the pointer is at end of the cursor. Here is the example: DECLARE...
for i in 1..10 loop …. end loop; Implicit cursor loop for c in (select ) loop …. end loop; While loop i:=5; while i >10 loop i:=i+1; ... end loop; Basic loop i:=5; loop i:=i+1; …. exit when i>10; end loop;...
LOOPstatements execute a sequence of statements multiple times. The loop encloses the sequence of statements that is to be repeated. PL/SQL provides four kinds of loop statements: basic loop,WHILEloop,FORloop, and cursorFORloop. For more information, see"Iterative Control: LOOP and EXIT Statemen...
Querying Data with PL/SQL: Implicit Cursor FOR Loop With PL/SQL, it is very simple to issue a query, retrieve each row of the result into a %ROWTYPE record, and process each row in a loop:■ You include the text of the query directly in the FOR loop.■ PL/SQL creates a record...
Also, we shall discuss strings and some of the inbuilt string functions available in PL/SQL. Table of Contents: PL SQL Cursor Implicit Cursors Explicit Cursors Cursor For Loop Cursor Variables PL SQL Strings String Variables Declaration PL/SQL Functions And Operators In String ...
---example B:--- set serveroutput on declare cursor c_zip is select * from zipcode; vr_zip c_zip%rowtype; begin open c_zip; loop fetch c_zip into vr_zip; exit when c_zip%notfound; dbms_output.put_line(||' '||||' '||vr_zip.state); end loop; end...
IF SQL%FOUND THEN -- delete succeeded INSERT INTO dept_temp VALUES (270, 'Personnel', 200, 1700); END IF; END; / %ISOPEN Attribute: Always FALSE for Implicit Cursors Oracle closes the SQL cursor automatically after executing its associated SQL ...
A cursor is a pointer that points to a result of a query. PL/SQL has two types of cursors: implicit cursors and explicit cursors. Implicit cursors Whenever Oracle executes an SQL statement such asSELECT INTO,INSERT,UPDATE, andDELETE, it automatically creates an implicit cursor. ...
PL/SQL uses both implicit and explicit cursors. Cursor attributes return useful information about the status of cursors in the execution of SQL statements. PL/SQL implicitly creates a cursor for all SQL data manipulation statements on a set of rows, including queries that return only one row. ...