PLSQL: IF-THEN-ELSE There are three different syntaxes for these types of statements. Syntax #1: IF-THEN IF condition THEN {...statements...} END IF; Syntax #2: IF-THEN-ELSE IF condition THEN {...statements...} ELSE {...statements...} END IF; Syntax #3: IF-THEN-ELSIF IF con...
今天,写存储过程时写成了:if...then...else if...else...end if.能编译通过,但是有问题,后来实在是找不到问题怀疑写错了这个语句,后来在网上查了一下,结果不是else if 而是elsif.改过来后就正常了。 Oracle/PLSQL: IF-THEN-ELSE Statement There are three different syntaxes for these types of statemen...
The syntax of this statement is: IF boolean-expression THEN IF boolean-expression THEN statements ELSE IF boolean-expression THEN statements END IF; You can nest IF statements so that alternative IF statements are invoked, depending on whether the conditions of an outer IF statement evaluate to TR...
syntaxsql Kopiuj IF boolean_expression { sql_statement | statement_block } [ ELSE { sql_statement | statement_block } ] Argumentsboolean_expressionAn expression that returns TRUE or FALSE. If the boolean_expression contains a SELECT statement, the SELECT statement must be enclosed in parentheses...
2) PL/pgSQL if-then-else statement The if...then...else statement executes the statements in the if branch if the condition evaluates to true; otherwise, it executes the statements in the else branch. Here’s the syntax of the if...then...else statement: if condition then statements;...
syntax : IF condition1 THEN action1; [ELsIF condition2 THEN action2; [ELSE action3;] END IF; eg : IF condition THEN SQL or PL-SQL Commands; ELSE SQL or PL-SQL Statements; END IF; eg : DECLARE l_x NUMBER := 10; l_y NUMBER := 20; ...
ENABLE_DB_ACCESS Procedure:Definition,Search for examples ENABLE_POLICY Procedure:Definition,Search for examples ENABLE_PROPAGATION_SCHEDULE Procedure:Definition,Search for examples ENABLE__GROUPED_POLICY Procedure:Definition,Search for examples END:Definition,Search for examples ...
所有在块里使用的变量都必须在块的声明段里先进行声明,唯一的例外是FOR循环里的循环计数变量, 该变量...
Definition,Search for examples ELSIF:Definition,Search for examples EMPTY_[B | C]LOB:, ENABLE:Definition,Search for examples ENABLE NOVALIDATE Example:Definition, , ,Search for examples ENABLE_POLICY Procedure:Definition,Search for examples ENABLE_PROPAGATION_SCHEDULE Procedure:Definition,Search for example...
WENN ...then...END IF WENN ...then...ELSE ...END IF WENN ...then...ELSE IF ...END IF WENN ...then...ELSIF ...then...ELSE ...END IF WENN ...then...END IF Die Syntax dieser Anweisung lautet wie folgt: IF boolean-expression THEN statements END IF; WENN ...THEN-Anweisung...