ELSE 语句 END IF; IF...THEN...ELSE 语句指定一组备用的语句,这些语句将在条件求值为 FALSE 时执行。以下示例对上一个示例作了修改,以便使用 IF...THEN...ELSE 语句在雇员没有佣金时显示文本“Non-commission”。 DECLARE v_empno emp.empno%TYPE; v_comm emp.comm%TYPE; CURSOR emp_cursor IS SELECT ...
PLSQL中常用的自定义类型就两种: 记录类型、 PLSQL内存表类型(根据表中的数据字段的简单和复杂程度又可分别实现类似于简单数组和记录数组的功能) 除此之外,还有大对象类型:CLOB、BFILE 一. 内存表对象(集合) 常用函数 函数名 功能 COUNT 返回集合中元素的个数 DELETE 删除集合中所有元素 DELETE(x) 删除元素下标...
and control passes to the EXCEPTION list. The list is searched for the first condition matching the error that occurred. If a match is found, the corresponding handler_statements are executed, and then control passes to the next statement after END. ...
IF...THEN...ELSE IF...END IF IF...THEN...ELSIF...THEN...ELSE...END IF IF...THEN...END IF 此语句的语法是: IF 布尔表达式 THEN 语句 END IF; IF...THEN 语句是 IF 的最简单形式。仅当条件求值为 TRUE 时,才会执行 THEN 与 END IF 之间的语句。在以下示例中,IF...THEN 语句用来测试...
ELSE {...statements...} END IF; Here is an example of a function that uses the IF-THEN-ELSE statement: CREATE OR REPLACE Function IncomeLevel ( name_in IN varchar2 ) RETURN varchar2 IS monthly_value number(6); ILevel varchar2(20); ...
In this example, because the film id 100 exists in the film table the found variable is true. Therefore, the statement in the else branch is executed. 3) PL/pgSQL if-then-elsif Statement Unlike the if and if...then...else statements that evaluate only one condition, the if then elsif...
SQL() expression now accepts a select statement with a single column/row result. For example: SQL(select count(*) from order_lines where order_id = :order_id) Compare User Objects enhancements The Compare User Objects tool now allows you to compare PL/SQL source objects with or without cas...
SQL 参考 PL 参考 PL 参考(MySQL 模式) PL 语法结构 更新时间:2024-04-10 23:00:06 存储程序的语法主要包括BEGIN ... END块、DECLARE声明和语句标签三个部分。 BEGIN ... END 块 BEGIN ... END块支持复合语句,用于编写存储程序(存储过程、存储函数和触发器)。
The Import to script function now tries to keep line size below 256 characters for SQL*Plus compatibility You can now import a specific part of the text file (start line / end line) If the text file is UTF8 encoded, the generated import script will automatically be UTF8 encoded as well...
"ORA-06550: 行 1, 列 7: PLS-00201: 識別子 ' CHART ' は ORA-06550: 行1、列 7 PL/SQL: ステートメントは無視されます。 FRx の会社を既定として設定すると、このエラーが発生します。 原因 サーバーベースの...