The IF THEN ELSE statement has the following structure: IF condition THEN statements; ELSE else_statements; END IF; Code language: PostgreSQL SQL dialect and PL/pgSQL (pgsql) If the condition evaluates to TRUE, then the statements between THEN and ELSE execute. In case the condition evaluates...
今天,写存储过程时写成了:if...then...else if...else...end if.能编译通过,但是有问题,后来实在是找不到问题怀疑写错了这个语句,后来在网上查了一下,结果不是else if 而是elsif.改过来后就正常了。 Oracle/PLSQL: IF-THEN-ELSE Statement There are three different syntaxes for these types of stateme...
ELSE 语句 END IF; IF...THEN...ELSE 语句指定一组备用的语句,这些语句将在条件求值为 FALSE 时执行。以下示例对上一个示例作了修改,以便使用 IF...THEN...ELSE 语句在雇员没有佣金时显示文本“Non-commission”。 DECLARE v_empno emp.empno%TYPE; v_comm emp.comm%TYPE; CURSOR emp_cursor IS SELECT ...
ELSE {...statements...} END IF; Syntax #3: IF-THEN-ELSIF IF condition THEN {...statements...} ELSIF condition THEN {...statements...} ELSE {...statements...} END IF; Here is an example of a function that uses the IF-THEN-ELSE statement: CREATE OR REPLACE Function IncomeLevel (...
ELSE statements END IF; IF...THEN...ELSE statements specify an alternative set of statements that should be executed if the condition evaluates to FALSE. In the following example, the previous example is modified so that an IF...THEN...ELSE statement is used to display the textNon-commissio...
In this example, because the film id 100 exists in the film table the found variable is true. Therefore, the statement in the else branch is executed. 3) PL/pgSQL if-then-elsif Statement Unlike the if and if...then...else statements that evaluate only one condition, the if then elsif...
.. When布尔表达式n then 结果表达式n [else 结果表达式n+1] END 3、while 语法结构 while 逻辑表达式 begin T-SQL语句组 [break]——无条件终止整个循环语句,即跳出循环 [continue]——结束本次循环,回到while处再判断是否重新开始下一次循环 end 4、return返回语句 作用:在批处理、语句块或存储过程中,使用...
When the IF THEN statement has no ELSE clause and the condition is not met, PL/SQL does nothing instead raising an error. Simple CASE statement example The following example compares single value (c_grade) with many possible values ‘A’, ‘B’,’C’,’D’, and ‘F’: DECLARE c_...
PL/SQL 基础—复杂数据类型和自定义类型 PLSQL中常用的自定义类型就两种: 记录类型、 PLSQL内存表类型(根据表中的数据字段的简单和复杂程度又可分别实现类似于简单数组和记录数组的功能) 除此之外,还有大对象类型:CLOB、BFILE 一. 内存表对象(集合)
4.1.2 IF THEN ELSE Statement The IF THEN ELSE statement has this structure: Copy IF condition THEN statements ELSE else_statements END IF; If the value of condition is true, the statements run; otherwise, the else_statements run. IF statements can be nested, as in Example 4-3. ...