The following example shows how you can embed PL/SQL in a high-level host language such as C and demonstrates how a banking debit transaction might be done. Input Table SQL> SELECT * FROM accounts ORDER BY account_id;ACCOUNT_ID BAL--- ---1 10002 20003 15004 65005 500 PL/SQL Block in...
for example: Write a validation check to ascertain that all required fields have a value and set a flag called Record Complete to On if they do. Write a validation check that compares the timestamp of the last data update for each unlocked record to the...
Program-error == internal problem in pl/sql Zero-divide == divide by zero invalid-cursor == if a cursor is not open and u r trying to close it Login-denied == invalid user name or password Invalid-number == if u r inserting a string datatype for a number datatype which is already...
555EXEC SQL 5500 56 COMMIT; 5600 57 EXEC SQL WHENEVER SQLERROR GO TO REPORT_ERROR; 5700 58 5800 xxxxST1 VxRxMx yymmdd Create SQL PL/I Program PLIEX 08/06/07 12:53:36 Page 3 Record *...+... 1 ...+... 2 ...+... 3 ...+... 4 ...+... 5 ...+... 6 ...+......
--当很多program units已native execution 编译,当他们同时执行时,就会消耗大量的shared 内存,从而影响系统性能。 1.2.2 How PL/SQLNative Compilation Works Without nativecompilation, the PL/SQL statements in a PL/SQL unit are compiled into anintermediate form, system code, which is stored in the catalo...
Completely updated for Oracle 11g, Oracle PL/SQL by Example, Fourth Edition covers all the fundamentals, from PL/SQL syntax and program control through packages and Oracle 11gs significantly improved triggers. One step at a time, youll walk through every key task, discovering the most important...
select sql_id, username, osuser, machine, program from v$session where username = 'gavin' 1. 2. 3. Step2. 查看该SQL_ID历史的解析计划变换 select distinct a.instance_number, trunc(b.begin_interval_time, 'mi'), sql_id, plan_hash_value ...
Notice:索引表只能作为PL/SQL复合数据类型使用,而不能作为表列的数据类型使用. Example: DECLARETYPE ename_table_typeISTABLEOFemp.ename%TYPEINDEXBYBINARY_INTEGER; ename_table ename_table_type; TYPE area_table_typeISTABLEOFNUMBERINDEXBYVARCHAR2(10); ...
1.2: PLSQL 的结构 通过plSQL Developer 工具 test Window 创建程序模块 或者在 SQL windows 中编写 通过在 program windows 中创建 producure 程序 PLSQL 中不区分大小写 PLSQL 有三个部分组成 声明部分: declare 可执行部分: begin … end 异常处理部分: ...
Oracle PL/SQL by Example(4th Edition)请止**禁区 上传1.89 MB 文件格式 rar Oracle PL/SQL 英文版Oracle PL/SQL by Example(4th Edition)点赞(0) 踩踩(0) 反馈 所需:1 积分 电信网络下载 安卓Android社团管理App设计可升级导入AndroidStudio 2025-02-28 18:59:25 积分:1 安卓Android求职招聘系统App可...