Create a custom program for a validation check Enable data lineage tracing in a custom program Sample programs that populate auxiliary columns with the source surrogate key Example SAS program Example PL/SQL program Use APIs Sample PLSQL program that calls an API to set a flag Set up reference...
索引表也称为PL/SQL表,用于处理PL/SQL数组的数据类型.但是索引表与高级语言的数组是有区别的:高级语言数组的元素个数是有限制的,并且下标不能为负值;而索引表的元素个数没有限制,并且下标可以为负值,甚至可以使用VARCHAR2类型. PL/SQL中是没有现成的索引表数据类型的,要使用索引表,必须先进行数据类型定义,其定义...
select sql_id, username, osuser, machine, program from v$session where username = 'gavin' 1. 2. 3. Step2. 查看该SQL_ID历史的解析计划变换 select distinct a.instance_number, trunc(b.begin_interval_time, 'mi'), sql_id, plan_hash_value ...
SQL> START exampbld...SQL> START examplod Sample 1. FOR Loop The following example uses a simpleFORloop to insert ten rows into a database table. The values of a loop index, counter variable, and either of two character strings are inserted. Which string is inserted depends on the value...
5Example 6类似语言 基本概念 是Oracle对标准数据库语言SQL的过程化扩充,它将数据库技术和过程化程序设计语言联系起来,是一种应用开发语言,可使用循环,分支处理数据,将SQL的数据操纵功能与过程化语言数据处理功能结合起来.PL/SQL的使用,使SQL成为一种高级程序设计语言,支持高级语言的块操作,条件判断,循环语句,嵌套等,...
1.2: PLSQL 的结构 通过plSQL Developer 工具 test Window 创建程序模块 或者在 SQL windows 中编写 通过在 program windows 中创建 producure 程序 PLSQL 中不区分大小写 PLSQL 有三个部分组成 声明部分: declare 可执行部分: begin … end 异常处理部分: ...
TYPE company_rectype IS RECORD(comp# company.company_id%TYPE,list_of_names DBMS_SQL.VARCHAR2S,dataset SYS_REFCURSOR); To build a customer sales record, for example, I first define a record type called customer_sales_rectype, as follows: ...
Completely updated for Oracle 11g, Oracle PL/SQL by Example, Fourth Edition covers all the fundamentals, from PL/SQL syntax and program control through packages and Oracle 11gs significantly improved triggers. One step at a time, youll walk through every key task, discovering the most important...