If you are looking for a completePL/SQL tutorial, you are at the right place. This plsqltutorial.com website provides you with a comprehensive PL/SQL tutorial that helps you learn PL/SQL quickly from scratch. What is PL/SQL? PL/SQL stands for Procedural Language extensions to the Structur...
Summary: in this tutorial, you will learn how to use the PL/SQL cursor with parameters to fetch data based on parameters. An explicit cursor may accept a list of parameters. Each time you open the cursor, you can pass different arguments to the cursor, which results in different result se...
Summary: in this tutorial, you will learn how to use the PL/SQL cursorFOR LOOPstatement to fetch and process every record from a cursor. Introduction to PL/SQL cursor FOR LOOP statement The cursorFOR LOOPstatement is an elegant extension of the numericFOR LOOPstatement. ...
CURSOR cursor_name IS select_statement; 使用: 在声明部分声明显式游标. 在执行部分打开游标. 将从游标里获取到的数据放到PL/SQL变量或者记录里. 关闭游标. 1) 声明游标: DECLARE CURSOR cursor_name IS 返回多条记录的SELECT语句; 2) 打开游标: OPEN cursor_name; 3) 取数据放到PL/SQL变量或者记录里: FET...
In the above PL/SQL Block In line no 3; we are creating a cursor ‘id_cur’ which contains the employee id. In line no 7; we are calling the procedure ‘emp_name’, we are passing the ‘id’ as IN parameter and ‘empName’ as OUT parameter. ...
原文参考:http://plsql-tutorial.com/ PL/SQL存储过程 存储过程相当于一个有名字的PL/SQL块,经过第一次编译后再次调用时不需要再次编译 创建格式: CREATE [OR REPLACE]PROCEDUREproc_name [list of parameters] IS Declaration section BEGIN Execution section ...
#Cursors Rather than executing a whole query at once, it is possible to set up a cursor that encapsulates the query, and then read the query result a... 非我在 0 1573 相关推荐 PL/SQL 索引表 2018-11-19 21:10 − 定义索引表 TYPE 类型名称 IS TABLE OF 数据类型 [NOT NULL] INDE...
在本章中,无涯教程将讨论PL/SQL中的记录(Records)。 记录是一种数据结构,可以容纳不同种类的数据项。记录由不同的字段组成,类似于数据库表的一行。 PL/SQL可以处理以下类型的记录- 基于表的记录 (Table-based records) 基于游标的记录(Cursor-based records) ...
(INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, or MERGE). Cursor management of DML statements is handled by Oracle Database, but PL/SQL offers several ways to define and manipulate cursors to execute SELECT statements. This article, the last in my 12-part PL/SQL tutorial, focuses on the most-common ways ...
Overview Prerequisites Using PL/SQL Conditional Compilation Examining Bulk Binding with the INDICES OF and VALUES OF Keywords SummaryViewing ScreenshotsPlace the cursor over this icon to load and view all the screenshots for this tutorial. (Caution: This action loads all screenshots simultaneously, so...