问琢ORA-06552: PL/SQL: Compilation unit analysis terminated ORA-06553: PLS-553: character set name is not recognized 首先,确认字符集是否修改的不彻底。 SELECT DISTINCT (NLS_CHARSET_NAME(CHARSETID)) CHARACTERSET, DECODE(TYPE#, 1, DECODE(CHARSETFORM , 1, 'VARCHAR2' , 2, 'NVARCHAR2', 'UNKO...
ORA-06550:乱码 PLS-00553:乱码 ORA-06550:乱码 PL/SQL:Compilation unit analysis terminated 【原因】由于Oracle的系统配置文件中语言发生变化,或者系统配置文件发生变化,pl/sql developer尚未进行更新所致。 【本例解决方法】由于在oracle用户下添加配置项,尚未更新到pl/sql developer。执行以下指令 su - oracle sourc...
ORA-06550:乱码 PLS-00553:乱码 ORA-06550:乱码 PL/SQL:Compilation unit analysis terminated 【原因】由于Oracle的系统配置文件中语言发生变化,或者系统配置文件发生变化,pl/sql developer尚未进行更新所致。 【本例解决方法】由于在oracle用户下添加配置项,尚未更新到pl/sql developer。执行以下指令 su - oracle sourc...
GoalDECLAREV_AUX JSON_VALUE;BEGINNULL;END;/V_AUX JSON_VALUE;*ERROR at line 2:ORA-06550: line 2, column 11:PLS-00488: 'JSON_VALUE' must be a typeORA-06550: line 0, column 0:PL/SQL: Compilation unit analysis terminated/***/SolutionSign In To view full details, sign ...
(0: 0): PL/SQL: Compilation unit analysis terminated--p_string index_tab_array:=index_tab_array('a','b','c','f','e','w','h');--p_string_o index_tab_array:=index_tab_array();v_out t_ret_table;--dfine variablejNUMBER:=0;beginv_out :=t_ret_table();--initializeFORiIN...
END F1; END demo_base64 ; 我用的是orcal sql devloper工具建包的,编译后怎么老报错: 错误(1): PL/SQL: Compilation unit analysis terminated 错误(2,14): PLS-00201: 必须声明标识符 'DEMO_BASE64' 错误(2,14): PLS-00304: 如果没有说明, 则无法编译 'DEMO_BASE64' 主体 设计...
0/0 PL/SQL: Compilation unit analysis terminated 1/14 PLS-00201: 必须声明标识符 'PKG_HELLOWORLD'1/14 PLS-00304: 如果没有说明, 则无法编译 'PKG_HELLOWORLD' 主体 下面就是一个 先定义 程序包, 后编译 程序包主体 通过的例子代码.SQL> SQL> create or replace package pk...
Step 2. Compile a PL/SQL object with the debug option To enable debugging for a PL/SQL code, you need to compile it with the DEBUG option. The process of compilation converts PL/SQL code to Pro*C, which is then compiled to Oracle shared libraries. The compilation helps the Oracle...
Since it is possible to store non-PL/SQL code within conditional compilation blocks, e.g. generation templates as used in FTLDB or tePSQL, the full-fletched analysis support of directive if statements has been dropped. The $if … $end and the $error … $end code blocks are still ...