The shipments are eligible for Hold for Pickup at UPS Customer Centre, Reschedule Delivery and Return to Sender. This service is available for residential and commercial shipments. A fee of HK$17 applies to each package in the shipment. UPS Returns®* To meet a range of reverse logistics ...
The take-home lesson is, don't reschedule in the middle of a tournament unless absolutely necessary! search thread: < Earlier Kibitzing · PAGE 1 OF 2 · Later Kibitzing> NOTE: Create an account today to post replies and access other powerful features which are available only to registered...
The shipments are eligible for Hold for Collection at UPS Customer Centre, Reschedule Delivery and Return to Sender. This service is available for residential and commercial shipments. A fee of A$2 applies to each package in the shipment. 5 * Only available for customers using a UPS compliant...