PL-300 (Microsoft Power BI Data Analyst) 考試編碼:PL-300 考試名稱:Microsoft Power BI Data Analyst 認證提供商:Microsoft 相應認證:Microsoft Certified: Power BI Data Analyst Associate 最新的高品質 PL-300 考試練習題庫 下載最新試用版 最新有效的 PL-300 考試培訓材料助你順利通過 Microsoft Power BI Dat...
PL-300通关记!🎉 📚备考历程:准备时间约两周,之后是一周的疯狂刷题,约3-4遍题库及配套的Microsoft learn解释。考试时发现很多原题。📖题库来源:在exam topics上找到题库,免费100道题,剩余部分需付费,共200多道题。💡最大收获:不仅掌握了Power BI的知识,还查漏补缺。每道题都深入理解,并动手实验,而...
熟悉exam topics真题:几小时或以上。因为抠门和时间紧迫,我只看了免费的七十几题。原题遇到了好几道,一定要看讨论分析,基本上最高赞就是对的答案。时间允许的话,可以用这些题来查缺补漏,钻研不会的知识点。来不及的话我就背答案。 油管call for data的PL-300 prep视频:2小时。这个视频我没耐心看完,他的口音...
Why is this the ONLY course you need to take to pass the PL-300 exam? Learn everything you need to know to master Microsoft Power BI and to prepare and pass the PL-300 exam. Every single topic is covered in depth All new topics for the updated PL-300 exam are also included! Full...
Once you feel ready, redeem your discount code and schedule your exam via the Microsoft certification page. Pass Microsoft's PL-300 Prepare for Microsoft's PL-300 and get 50% off the exam fee. Get Power BI Certified Topics Data Analysis Richie CottonWebinar & podcast host, course and book...
发现国内关于PL-300的考试分享还挺少的,我好不容易考过,虽然刚及格,也来分享下经历吧,后面想考的人可以参考。 1.备考资料 基础知识: 基础知识肯定是需要,不要指望刷题过关,平时还是要会基础操作POWER BI 微…
2️⃣ 圣诞假期后,我开始了Microsoft Power BI的PL-300考试的复习之旅 🎉 考试可以延期,我延了三次,终于在2022年末前通过了! 📚 复习了三天,以758分通过,我对这个成绩感到满意,毕竟我是从零开始的。 🤔 为什么要考这个证书? 在过去的两年里,我发现自己对数据越来越敏感,对模型和数据背后的逻辑也越发...
Microsoft PL-300 Korean Exam Syllabus Topics: TopicDetails Topic 1 Model the data: It delves into designing and implementing a data model. The sub-topic of creating model calculations by using DAX is also present. Moreover, it discusses optimizing model performance. Topic 2 Visualize and analyze...
Exam Topics:该网站提供大量的PL-300模拟试题和真题,且题目质量高、更新快。考生可以通过模拟考试检验自己的备考情况,查漏补缺。 Microsoft Learn:作为Microsoft官方的在线学习平台,Microsoft Learn提供了丰富的Power BI学习资源,包括讲解资料、实践案例和模拟试题等。考生可以在这里找到与考试内容紧密相关的学习资源,提高备...
Practicing for an exam like the PL-300 can be a full-time job. In fact some exams are actually paid for by work because they are so intensive. Certification is not simple and takes immense work. It takes time, practice, and the right focus. We here at ExamTopics understand that. We ...