1 PKR to USD Exchange Calculator Amount Currency from ×Pakistani Rupee (PKR) Currency To ×United States Dollar (USD) Convert How much is 1 PKR in USD? Pakistani Rupee to United States Dollar converter. 1 PKR is 0.003603 USD. So, you've converted 1 PKR to 0.003603 USD. We ...
1 USD 1 0.919 84.148 0.772 3.673 1.39 3.756 34.352 1 EUR 1.088 1 91.532 0.84 3.995 1.512 4.086 37.366 1 INR 0.012 0.011 1 0.009 0.044 0.017 0.045 0.408 1 GBP 1.296 1.191 109.034 1 4.759 1.801 4.867 44.511 留意不公平匯率。 銀行和傳統供應商通常會收取額外費用,這些費用會在匯率中透過提價轉嫁給...
1 USD 1 0.951 84.938 0.787 3.673 1.433 3.757 35.019 1 EUR 1.051 1 89.282 0.827 3.861 1.506 3.95 36.81 1 INR 0.012 0.011 1 0.009 0.043 0.017 0.044 0.412 1 GBP 1.27 1.209 107.9 1 4.666 1.82 4.773 44.486 留意不公平匯率。 銀行和傳統供應商通常會收取額外費用,這些費用會在匯率中透過提價轉嫁給你...
USDEURINRGBPAEDCADSARTRY 1 USD 1 0.933 84.389 0.774 3.673 1.391 3.756 34.365 1 EUR 1.072 1 90.457 0.83 3.937 1.491 4.026 36.836 1 INR 0.012 0.011 1 0.009 0.044 0.016 0.045 0.407 1 GBP 1.292 1.205 109.027 1 4.745 1.797 4.853 44.398 Beware of bad exchange rates. Banks and traditional provid...
In 1973, the Emirati Dirham finally came into existence and was immediately adopted by all the emirates. In 1978, the Dirham had a fixed exchange rate in the international exchange market but in 1997, it was again tied to the value of US Dollar at 1 USD equaled 3.67 AED....
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Wise(ワイズ)の為替レート計算ツールは、現在のJPYからPKRへの為替レートと、それが過去1日、1週間、または1か月の間にどのように変化したかを表示します。 日本円のトップ通貨ペア → JPYからUSD → JPYからGBP → JPYからEUR → JPYからAUD → JPYからCAD → JPYからCHF → JPYからCNY...
1 USD 1 0,947 84,472 0,788 3,673 1,401 3,756 34,675 1 EUR 1,056 1 89,198 0,832 3,879 1,479 3,966 36,615 1 INR 0,012 0,011 1 0,009 0,043 0,017 0,044 0,41 1 GBP 1,269 1,202 107,203 1 4,662 1,778 4,767 44,006 Внимавайтезанеизго...
200/- Prize Bond RS. 750/- Prize Bond RS. 1500/- Prize Bond RS. 7500/- Prize Bond RS. 15000/- Prize Bond RS. 25000/- Prize Bond RS. 40000/- Inter Bank Rates CurrencyBuyingSelling USD 277.65 278.15 EUR 300.09 300.63 GBP 360.74 361.39 SAR 73.98 74.11 View Complete Rates ...