for i, read_time in enumerate(df_avg_results['avg_read_time']): plt.annotate(f"{read_time:.2f}", (df_avg_results.index[i], read_time), textcoords="offset points", xytext=(0,-10), ha='center') plt.title('Average Read/Write Time Comparison') plt.xlabel('File Format') plt.y...
The table above shows how our regional portfolios performed in the year compared to their relevant local smaller company indices. Relative to the local small cap market returns, we were behind in North America and the UK, while in Europe we were ahead. After careful consideration and following ...
DK := getKeyInfo( "@" . dkCode ) ; Find the dk's full name DeadKeyChar := DeadKeyValue( DK, "base1" ) ; Base release char for this DK, named "base1" in the DK's table. DeadKeyChr1 := DeadKeyValue( DK, "base2" ) ; Alternative release char, if defined DeadKeyChr1 :...