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网站: centos 原创 zping_6967 9月前 60阅读 7-14|salt之安装Python模块 #python模块安装 include: - system/pythoncsjs-pip-install: pip3.installed: -pkgs: - pymysql==1.0.2 - peewee==3.14.4 - portalocker==2.3.0 & ...
ghostmentioned this issueSep 7, 2017 is down for over a year nowiovisor/bcc#1342 Open jcheng5added a commit to rstudio/shiny-server that referenced this issueFeb 22, 2018 Fix Centos 6 build,repoforge/rpms#375
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tested on centos7. Maarten-vd-Sande, blackary, DavidSchischke, and stefanbschneider reacted with thumbs up emoji 👍 Member adriendelsallecommentedJul 30, 2021 adriendelsalleadded thetype::questionFurther information is requestedlabelJul 30, 2021 ...
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