Runmaketo create a release build. After that, runmake pkgto create a.pkginstall file. You can also set the environment variablePS3LOAD=tcp:x.x.x.xto the PS3's IP address; that will allow you to usemake runand sendpkgi-ps3.selfdirectly to thePS3LoadX listener. ...
PS3 port of PKGi tool. Contribute to nikolaevich23/pkgi development by creating an account on GitHub.
3.macOS Installer Package 4.Midtown Madness 2 3D Model 5.CoCreate OneSpace Modeling Package 6.Roku Channel Package 7.Midori-OS Application Midori-OS Application DeveloperAutz64 Popularity 1.8|4Votes Open withN/A A PKG file may also be an application that can be run on a Nintendo 3DS or Swi...
Runmaketo create a release build. After that, runmake pkgto create a.pkginstall file. You can also set the environment variablePS3LOAD=tcp:x.x.x.xto the PS3's IP address; that will allow you to usemake runand sendpkgi-ps3.selfdirectly to thePS3LoadX listener. ...