"targets": [ "node14" ], "outputPath": "dist" }, 3. 执行命令 npm run pkg 备注: 不建议用pkg -t win index.js方法,坑太多,上面的package.json相对还是简单的。 --- // 遇到的问题总结 1. pkg与node版本不一致问题 当我们执行pkg -t win index.js 命令进行打包时会收到以下error提示 PS ...
bin 用来指定最终打包的入口文件,pkg.scripts 和 pkg.assets 用来指定除了入口文件之外需要打包进可执行文件中的内容,其中前者用来指定其他 .js 文件,后者用来指定非.js的资源。pkg.targets 则是用来指定需要打包的平台,平台名称结构如下,node${version}-${platform}-${arch}。version 用来指定具体 Node 的版本,plat...
-v, --version output pkg version --版本输出包装版本 -t, --targets comma-separated list of targets (see examples) -c, --config package.json or any json file with top-level config --options bake v8 options into executable to run with them on -o, --output output file name or template...
5、执行打包 ## --targets 用于制定平台和node版本,不指定时默认为3个平台以package.json中的node版本配置为准 ##--out-path 指定执行包输出文件夹,默认为当前文件夹 ##--debug 用于调试,可了解哪些文件被打包 pkg .--targets node8-linux-x64 --out-path /usr/dist --debug 6、运行 >chmoda+x ./ap...
The retinal expression of these PKG targets was further confirmed by immunofluorescence and could be assigned to various neuronal cell types, including photoreceptors, horizontal cells, and ganglion cells. Taken together, this study confirmed the key role of PKG in photoreceptor cell death and ...
@icing reported a minor issue with the pkgconfig files here: #23339 (reply in thread) fyi: had some trouble building, since openssl puts the wrong libdir in the pkgconfig files (just the top level dir and not the /lib underneath). @levit...
其中-t win等同于--targets win,也就是说只为windows编译文件。 第二次报错 编译时候再次报错: $ pkg-t win server.js >pkg@5.6.0 >FetchingbaseNode.js binaries to PKG_CACHE_PATH fetched-v16.14.2-win-x64[]0%>Notfoundinremote cache:
"pkg": {"scripts":"build/**/*.js","assets":"views/**/*","targets": ["node14-linux-arm64"],"outputPath":"dist"} The above example will include everything inassets/and every .js file inbuild/, build only fornode14-linux-arm64, and place the executable insidedist/. ...
如果出现终端退出的情况,可以尝试使用. ./configure来运行。configure程序成功后,使用make进行编译,如果./configure未成功,直接make会导致“make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found. Stop.”的错误。当./configure成功后,就可以进行正式的编译程序了。使用make install进行安装。某些软件...
While many approaches for reducing infarct size in patients have failed in the past, the advent of novel drugs that modulate cGMP and its downstream targets show very promising results in recent pre-clinical and clinical studies. Here we review main aspects of the NO – PKG pathway in light ...