install all pkg in one click Solve all Termex problems by installing these packages at once $ pkg update && upgrade -y $ pkg install git -y $ pkg install bash -y $ git clone $ cd pkg $ chmod +x * $ bash enjoy my channel
Note that 32-bit builds are donefirst, in a separate build root to the native 64-bit package. However they will both install to the same tree. Note that foremul32packages, we use--prefix=/emul32 --libdir=/usr/lib32. This avoids collisions of binaries and assets, but you may need ...
4)Git、Jenkins自动化代码上线及自动化测试平台。 5)堡垒机,连接Linux、Windows平台及日志审计。 6)SQL执行及审批流程。 7)慢查询日志分析web界面。 DriverZeng 2022/09/26 7520 在ubuntu20上面安装R4 ubuntulinuxhttps网络安全访问管理 使用root权限(系统管理员)安装最新版的R,我们的ubuntu是20,所以选择focal这个...
# pkg install gawk # pkg install gsed # pkg install nano # pkg install bash # pkg install bash-completion # pkg install dbus # pkg install git # pkg installcmake # pkg installgcc5 # pkg installgcc5-aux # pkg installgcc5-devel # pkg installgmake # pkg installgdb # pkg installcgdb ...
git clone # npm i-g pnpm cd install-pkg&&pnpm i # VSCode 直接打开当前项目 # code. 看源码一般先看package.json,再看script。 代码语言:javascript 代码运行次数:0 复制 Cloud Studio代码运行 {"name":"@antfu/install-pkg","version":"0.1.0","scripts"...
sudo apt-get install git //先安装git命令 git clone //从github网站上下载catkin 安装包 2、安装依赖项,Catkin具有以下依赖性 CMake 一个跨平台的开源构建系统。 Python 一种通用的解释性高级编程语言,版本2.7。 catkin_pkg 一个用于catkin的Python运行库。
Plan B: 把要卸载的包从 package.json 中 dependencies 字段删除, 然后执行npm install并提交package.json和package-lock.json 任何时候有人提交了 package.json, package-lock.json 更新后,团队其他成员应在 svn update/git pull 拉取更新后执行npm install脚本安装更新后的依赖包 ...
It's been proved significantly faster on installs, and the size impact was reasonable enough to change the default. Note that it benefits you even if you use Zero-Installs: as per our tests, a zero-compression is actually easier to handle for Git (you can see by yourself with those ...
# + 10 hours gert 1.1.0 Simple Git Client for R # + 10 hours image.textlinedetector 0.1.3 Segment Images in Text Lines and W... # + 10 hours shiny 1.6.0 Web Application Framework for R # + 10 hours gwaRs 0.2.0 Manhattan, Q-Q, and PCA Plots usin... ...
# export PKG2AICOMMIT=<git sha> if [ -z "$PKG2AICOMMIT" ] ; then PKG2AICOMMIT=master fi usage() { if [ -z "$APPIMAGE" ] ; then MYSELF="$0" else MYSELF="$APPIMAGE" fi echo "usage:" echo " $MYSELF [--no-di] META-NAME|YAMLFILE" echo "" ...