works onall PS Vita models, including PSTV. easyway to see list of available downloads, including searching, filter & sorting. standalone, no PC required, everything happens directly on Vita. automaticdownload and unpack, just choose an item, and it will be installed, including bubble in live...
接下来你们就直接把 unpkg_vita.exe拉进 命令提示符(cmd), 空格键,在把游戏的pkg也拉进去命令提示符(cmd),空格键,然后开一个新的文件夹也把它来进去, 接下输入 -key=8F4A1A7291FC3B5D34F0D0E52C253A72 ,然后按 ENTER ,等它运转完成,然后就去到你刚才开的新文件夹把游戏拷贝去ps vita的 ux0:app里面...
pkg download & installation directly on Vita. Contribute to mmozeiko/pkgi development by creating an account on GitHub.
mod=viewthread&tid=45734297& Download Enabler The official PS Vita webbrowser is only able to downloaded media files. This plugin removes that limitation and allows you to download any files from the webbrowser to ux0:downloads. There is however a bug in the webbrowser that makes secure ...
Proceeding his previous revisions and Save the Scene PS Vita 1.03 VPK, today PlayStation 4 developer @Lapy made available a PS4-Xplorer v2.03 File Manager PS4 PKG update on Twitter alongside some revisions and a PS4 Player preview video below via notzecoxao with his blessing. :D Download....
Proceeding his previous revisions and Save the Scene PS Vita 1.03 VPK, today PlayStation 4 developer @Lapy made available a PS4-Xplorer v2.03 File Manager PS4 PKG update on Twitter alongside some revisions and a PS4 Player preview video below via notzecoxao with his blessing. :D Download....
14211 ps4折腾吧 华强北小花旦 金手指修改pkg补丁,按照作者说先安装1.0本体,再选择安装1.4修改补丁,如果不想用金手指了再安装1.4还原补丁。那如果我一开始就不想用,可以直接装原版1.4补丁吗,还是非得先装修改版再还原? 1334 合金装备吧 望云语凭落 合金4的汉化补丁pkg格式的硬盘版能用么?我看到那个汉化补丁的教程...
Last Release: Nov 17, 2017 Downloads: 9224 Utility that decrypts PlayStation Vita pkg file and creates zip package. Supported pkg files - main application, DLC, patch and PSM files. Also supports PSX and PSP pkg files for use with Adrenaline. ... 在 1月 2025的前 5 大競爭對手是、、、 等。 根據Similarweb 每月造訪量的資料顯示, 在 1月 2025的主要競爭對手 有 517.9K 次造訪量。pkg-zone.com相似程度第 2 名的網站為,1月 2025有 4.9M 次造...
接下来你们就直接把 unpkg_vita.exe拉进 命令提示符(cmd), 空格键,在把游戏的pkg也拉进去命令提示符(cmd),空格键,然后开一个新的文件夹也把它来进去, 接下输入 -key=8F4A1A7291FC3B5D34F0D0E52C253A72 ,然后按 ENTER ,等它运转完成,然后就去到你刚才开的新文件夹把游戏拷贝去ps vita的 ux0:app里面...