Running PKG_CONFIG_PATH=brew --prefix cairo/lib/pkgconfig pkg-config --cflags --print-errors cairo produces: Package xcb-shm was not found in the pkg-config search path. Perhaps you should add the directory containing `xcb-shm.pc' to the...
PKG_CONFIG_EXECUTABLE ... pathname of the pkg-config program PKG_CONFIG_VERSION_STRING ... the version of the pkg-config program found (since CMake 2.8.8) For the following variables two sets of values exist; first one is the common one and has the given PREFIX. The second set contains...
Trying to use pkg-config via cmake to find pango which depends on libffi from macOS SDK, but failed because pkg-config will provides invalid path pointing to older macOS SDK Minimum CMakeLists.txt to reproduce the problem: cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.27) project(test) set(CMAKE_C_STAN...
为了找到 pkg-config 执⾏档,⾸先使⽤ PKG_CONFIG_EXECUTABLE 变量或者 PKG_CONFIG 环境变量。pkg_check_modules Checks for all the given modules.检查所有给出的模块。pkg_check_modules(<PREFIX> [REQUIRED] [QUIET][NO_CMAKE_PATH] [NO_CMAKE_ENVIRONMENT_PATH]<MODULE> [<MODULE>]*)When the ...
program A depends on libfoo library, and program B depends on libbar library. libfoo and libbar are provided as pkg-config aware. And I want that configure will automatically detect the existence of libfoo and libbar, and if libfoo found, program A should be built, and if libbar found...
首先,ports 是一堆 Makefile。对每个软件,它主要记载以下信息:源码包在哪里下载,如何解压缩 哈希值...
正确配置如下:Windows(分隔符英文分号):XML/HTML code bootclasspath ${java.home}/lib/rt.jar;...
All but <XXX>_FOUND may be a ;-list if the associated variable returned from pkg-config has multiple values. There are some special variables whose prefix depends on the number of <moduleSpec> given. When there is only one <moduleSpec>, <YYY> will simply be <prefix>, but if two or...
the standard pkg-config utility was replaced by another utility called pkgconf, with /usr/bin/pkg-config replaced with a symlink. This would be fine if pkgconf were compatible with the real pkg-config, a utility that much of the linux C developer world uses and depends on, but it's not...
Now it depends on pygobject2-devel and in turn the breakage has relocated to pygobject2-devel. $ cd /usr/lib/pkgconfig $ grep Req pygtk-2.0.pc Requires: pygobject-2.0 $ grep Req pygobject-2.0.pc Requires: gobject-2.0 $ grep Req gobject-2.0.pc grep: gobject-2.0.pc: No such file ...