ECML PKDD( European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases, CCF B) 2024于9月9号-9月13号正在立陶宛维尔纽斯举行(Vilnius) 本文总结了ECML PKDD 2024有关时空数据(spatial-temporal data)的相关论文,主要包含交通预测,预训练,迁移学习等内容,如有疏漏,欢迎...
ECML PKDD 2024于9月9号-9月13号在立陶宛维尔纽斯举行(Vilnius) 本文总结了ECML PKDD 2024有关时空数据(spatial-temporal data)的相关论文,主要包含交通预测,预训练,迁移学习等内容,如有疏漏,欢迎大家补充。以及时间序列(time series),包括时序预测,异常检测,分类,聚类等内容。 Research Track 1. Spatiotemporal Cova... Participating journal Journal Machine Learning Machine Learning is an international forum focusing on computational approaches to learning. Publishing model Hybrid Journal Impact Factor 4.3 (2023) Downloads 1.9M (2024) Submission to first decision...
OriginalPaper Open access 19 July 2024 Pages: 3719 - 3757 Explainable decomposition of nested dense subgraphs Nikolaj Tatti OriginalPaper Open access 10 July 2024 Pages: 3621 - 3642 Knowledge graph embedding closed under composition Zhuoxun Zheng Baifan Zhou Ahmet Soylu OriginalPaper Open ac...
本文总结了ECML PKDD 2024有关时空数据(spatial-temporal data)的相关论文,主要包含交通预测,预训练,...
The "TempXAI: Explainable AI for Time Series and Data Streams Workshop" is hosted as part of this year's ECML PKDD 2024 conference in Vilnius. The TempXAI workshop focuses on exploring the crucial intersection of Explainable AI (XAI) and the challenges posed by time series and data streams...
We invite researchers working on interpretability and explainability in ML/AI, and related topics, to submit regular (14 pages, single column) or short (7 pages, single column) papers to the AIMLAI workshop that will be held at ECML/PKDD 2024 in Vilnius. This year the workshop will featur...
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总计起来,三大运营商2024年平均每天净利润为5.25亿元。 三大运营商财报显示,中国电信2024年营收5294.2亿元,中国移动2024年营收10408亿元,中国联通2024年营收3896亿元。总计起来,三大运营商2024年平均每天营收为53.55亿元。
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