即PKCS#7由contentType和content两部分组成,contentType是标识content的类型。 PKCS#7的content有六种类型,分别为: Data ---> 明文信息 Signed-data ---> 数字签名 Enveloped-data ---> 数字信封 Signed-and-enveloped-data ---> 带签名的数字信封 Digested-data ---> 信息摘要 Encrypted-data ---> 加密数...
X.509标准是ITU-T设计的PKI标准,他是为了解决X.500目录中的身份鉴别和访问控制问题设计的。 2. 数字...
const signed = forge.pkcs7.createSignedData(); signed.addSigner({ key : privateKey, certificate : cert, digestAlgorithm : forge.pki.oids.sha1, authenticatedAttributes : [ { type : forge.pki.oids.contentType, value : forge.pki.oids.data }, { type: forge.pki.oids.messageDigest }, { typ...
I'm investigating upgrading an application from SHA1 as the default PKCS#7 SignedData digest algorithm to stronger digests such as SHA256, in ways that preserve backwards compatibility for signature verifiers which do not support digest algorithms other than SHA1. I want to check my understanding...
关键词:PK CS #7;PK CS #11中图分类号:TP309.1 文献标识码:A Implementation of PKCS #7Signed 2data on Linux B ased on PKCS #11 ZH ANG Wen 2qi 1,DUAN Bin 1,2,W ANGJian 2,XI AO Heng 1 (1.Institute o f Information Engineering ,Xiangtan Univer sity ,Xiangtan Hunan 411105,China...
(); PdfPKCS7 sgn = new PdfPKCS7(null, chain, hashAlgorithm, null, digest, false); byte[] hash = Base64.decodeBase64(digestBASE64); byte[] sh = sgn.getAuthenticatedAttributeBytes(hash, PdfSigner.CryptoStandard.CMS, null, null); byte[] extSignature = signature.sign(sh); sgn...
摘要: 文中介绍PKCS#7标准和PKCS#11标准,阐述了在Linux平台上用PKCS#11的接口函数来实现PKCS#7 signed-data信息封装的重要性和可行性,并通过实验的方法来封装了PKCS#7 signed-data的信息包,最后在Windows平台上用CryptoAPI接口函数认证信息包的正确性.
摘要: 文中介绍PKCS#7标准和PKCS#11标准,阐述了在Linux平台上用PKCS#11的接口函数来实现PKCS#7 signed-data信息封装的重要性和可行性,并通过实验的方法来封装了PKCS#7 signed-data的信息包,最后在Windows平台上用CryptoAPI接口函数认证信息包的正确性.