int verify_pkcs7_signature(const void *data, size_t len, const void *raw_pkcs7, size_t pkcs7_len, struct key *trusted_keys, enum key_being_used_for usage, int (*view_content)(void *ctx, const void *data, size_t len, size_t asn1hdrlen), void *ctx) int verify_pkcs7_message...
Now finally we have the whole thing parsed. At that point I found a great (and probably the only on the whole web) explanative article on signed PKCS#7 verification: I was able to extract and successfully dec...
The situation is that I have to check a digital signature: String1 "A1005056807CE11EE2B4CE0025305725CFrCN=KED,OU=I0020266601,OU=SAPWebAS,O=SAPTrustCommunity,C=DE20130611102236" is signed via PKCS#7 and send over HTTP-URL to me. I get the signed content in BASE64 (look in code String ...
Furthermore, if there are authenticatedAttributes in a PKCS#7 signature container signer info object, the encrypted digest is not the digest of the document data but instead the digest of the authenticatedAttributes structure. In this case the digest of the document data is stored as the va...
int verify_pkcs7_signature(const void *data, size_t len, const void *raw_pkcs7, size_t pkcs7_len, struct key *trusted_keys, enum key_being_used_for usage, int (*view_content)(void *ctx, const void *data, size_t len, size_t asn1hdrlen), void *ctx) int verify_pkcs7_message...
int verify_pkcs7_signature(const void *data, size_t len, const void *raw_pkcs7, size_t pkcs7_len, struct key *trusted_keys, enum key_being_used_for usage, int (*view_content)(void *ctx, const void *data, size_t len, size_t asn1hdrlen), void *ctx) int verify_pkcs7_message...