Finding pKb from pKa or Ka The base dissociation constant is related to the acid dissociation constant, so if you know one, you can find the other value. For an aqueous solution, the hydroxide ion concentration [OH-follows the relation of the hydrogen ion concentration [H+]" Kw= [H+][O...
Seldin DC and Leder P (1995) Casein kinase II a transgene-induced murine lymphoma: relation to theileriosis in cattle. Science 267: 894–897 5. Kelliher MA, Seldin DC and Leder P (1996) Tal-1 induces T cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia accelerated by casein kinase IIa. EMBO J. 15: ...
单参数法估算取代苯胺的pK b 值 范强,闫华 ,金燕仙,罗海霞,饶卫东,钟爱国 (台州学院医药化工学院,浙江台州316000) 摘要:用密度泛函理论方法DFT/B3LYP与基组6-31+G(d,p),优化了15种苯胺和取代苯胺分子结构, 发现苯环氨基上氢原子的自然原子轨道电荷(NBO)值与其实验碱式电离平衡常数(pKb)值之间具有良好的线 性...