Butanoicacid CH3CH2CH2CO2H4818152(10)5462 cis-Butenedioicacid (maleicacid) trans-Butenedioicacid (fumaricacid) CO2H 192627O2H CO2H 302448O2C 120(10)2 537(10)7 95(10)4 33(10)5 175 584 284 409 ButylamineCH3CH2CH2CH2NH10640229(10)111066 ...
Maleic 1.92, 6.23 2 Alicyclic Dicarboxylic acids Citraconic (Dimethylmaleic acid) 2.29, 6.15 2 cis-Caronic(1,1-dimethylcyclopropane-23- dicarboxylic acid 2.34*, 8.31* 2 Acetylenedicarboxylic 1.73, 4.40 2 ∆ 1 -tetrahydrophthalic 3.01, 5.34 2 1,2-trans-cyclopropanedicarboxylic ...
Maleic 1.92, 6.23 2 Alicyclic Dicarboxylic acids Citraconic (Dimethylmaleic acid) 2.29, 6.15 2 cis-Caronic(1,1-dimethylcyclopropane-23- Acetylenedicarboxylic 1.73, 4.40 2 dicarboxylic acid 2.34*, 8.31* 2 1 1,2-trans-cyclopropanedicarboxylic -tetrahydrophthalic 3.01, 5.34 2 Bromomaleic 1.45, 4.62...
3.01, 5.34 2 Bromomaleic 1.45, 4.62 2 Bromofumaric 1.46, 3.57 2 Chlorofumaric 1.78, 3.81 2 Fumaric 3.02, 4.38 2 Mesaconic (Dimethylfumaric acid) 3.09, 4.75 2 Phthalic 2.95, 5.41 2 Itaconic (1-Propene-2-3-dicarboxylic acid) 3.85, 5.45 2 Chloromaleic 1.72, 3.86 2 Alicyclic Dicarboxylic ...
1-tetrahydrophthalic 3.01, 5.34 2 Bromomaleic 1.45, 4.62 2 Bromofumaric 1.46, 3.57 2 Chlorofumaric 1.78, 3.81 2 Fumaric 3.02, 4.38 2 Mesaconic (Dimethylfumaric acid) 3.09, 4.75 2 Phthalic 2.95, 5.41 2 Itaconic (1-Propene-2-3-dicarboxylic acid) 3.85, 5.45 2 Chloromaleic 1.72, 3.86 2 ...
The higher of maleic acid's two pKa values is named pKa2 by Perrin and Dempsey (72). e Data were determined in 100% 2H2O with 100 mm potassium chloride at 25 °C (73). For experiments on C2, an anaerobic solution of potassium hydroxide (KOH) was titrated into 700 μl of anaerobic...
25、id)3.09, 4.752*tra nsPhthalic2.95, 5.412*in 40% acet oneItaco nic (1-Prope ne-2-3-dicarboxylic acid)Vhermod yn amic3.85, 5.452Chloromaleic1.72, 3.862AliphaticAlicyclic Dicarboxylic acidsCompoundpKRefCompoundpKRef1,2-trans-Cyclopropane-cis-Ethyleneoxide-dicarboxylic3.65, 5.132dicarboxylic1.94, ...
Ethaneperoxoic acid, C2H4O3, has a pKavalue of 8.20. It is a weaker acid when compared to ethanoic acid, C2H4O2(pKa= 4.74). Why is ethaneperoxoic acid weaker than ethanoic acid in terms of acidity? 3PRACTICE PROBLEM Estimate the pKavalue of propionic acid, a food preservative. ...
化合物的pKa值 pKa Values INDEX Inorganic2Phenazine24 Phosphates3Pyridine25 Carboxylic acids4, 8Pyrazine26 Aliphatic4, 8 Aromatic7, 8Quinoline27 Phenols9Quinazoline27 Alcohols and oxygen acids10, 11Quinoxaline27 Amino Acids12Special Nitrogen Compounds28 Peptides13Hydroxylamines28 Nitrogen Compounds14...
Cyclohexanoneis an important chemical raw material, it is a main intermediatemanufacturing of nylon, caprolactam and adipic acid. Is also the important industrialsolvent, such as used in the paint, especially for those containing nitrocellulose, vinylchloride polymer and its copolymers or methy...