Weak acidsAutomationA micro-volume, monosegmented flow analysis system has been developed for titration of weak acids and for determining dissociation constants (p K a) in the range 3–6, using pH indicators and spectroscopic detection. The system consists of a piston pump, a peristaltic pump, ...
1、弱弱酸酸、弱弱碱碱的的解解离离常常数数 DissociationDissociation ConstantsConstants ofof WeakWeak AcidsAcids andand WeakWeak BasesBases1.1. 无无机机酸酸在在水水溶溶液液中中的的解解离离常常数数(2525o oC C) DissociationDissociation ConstantsConstants ofof MineralMineral AcidsAcids inin Aqueous...
有机酸无机酸PKa值表 弱酸、弱碱的解离常数 DissociationConstantsofWeakAcidsandWeakBases1.无机酸在水溶液中的解离常数(25oC)DissociationConstantsofMineralAcidsinAqueousSolution(25oC)序号(No.)123名称(Name)偏铝酸亚砷酸砷酸化学式(Chemicalformula)HAlO2H3AsO3H3AsO4 Ka 6.3×10-136.0×10-106.3×10-3(...
有机酸无机酸PKa值表 弱酸、弱碱的解离常数 DissociationConstantsofWeakAcidsandWeakBases 1.无机酸在水溶液中的解离常数(25oC)DissociationConstantsofMineralAcidsinAqueousSolution(25oC)序号 (No.)12 3 名称(Name)偏铝酸亚砷酸 砷酸 4 硼酸 5 次溴酸 6 氢氰酸 7 碳酸 8 次氯酸 9 氢氟酸 10 锗酸 11 高...
有机酸无机酸PKa值表 弱酸、弱碱的解离常数 DissociationConstantsofWeakAcidsandWeakBases1.无机酸在水溶液中的解离常数(25oC)DissociationConstantsofMineralAcidsinAqueousSolution(25oC)序号(No.)123名称(Name)偏铝酸亚砷酸砷酸化学式(Chemicalformula)HAlO2H3AsO3H3AsO4 Ka 6.3×10-136.0×10-106.3×10-3(...
SUMMARY 2.1 Ionization of Water,Weak Acids, and Weak Bases > 纯水轻微电离,形成等量的氢离子(水合氢离子,H3O+)和氢氧根离子。 > 电离程度用平衡常数(Keq)来描述,水的离子积Kw就是由它推导出来的。25°C时,Kw= [H+] [OH−] = (55.5 M)(Keq) = 10−14 M2 ...
Acids: Acids are chemicals which can dissociate in water to yield hydrogen ions. There are two types of acids which are strong acids and weak acids. Strong acids dissociate completely and weak acids only dissociate partially. Answer and Explanation:1 ...
Students perform titrations on weak acids while measuring pH, perform qualitative analysis by determining pKa values of acids, perform quantitative analysis by calculating molar masses, confirm the identities of weak acids, and derive and use the Henderson-Hasselbalch equation. Supplier: Aqua Phoen...
(25oC)22亚硒酸H2SeO320硫代硫酸H2S2O321氢硒酸H2Se18亚硫酸H2SO319硫 酸H2SO416焦磷酸H4P2O717氢硫酸H2S14亚磷酸H3PO315磷 酸H3PO47碳 酸H2CO3 10锗 酸H2GeO33砷 酸H3AsO44硼 酸H3BO3弱酸、 弱碱的解离常数 Dissociation Constants of Weak Acids and Weak Bases名称(Name)化学式(Chemical formula)Ka...