Benzenesulfonic acid苯磺酸苯磺酸性质、用途与生产工艺简介 苯磺酸是一种无色针状或叶状结晶,极易溶于水和乙醇,不溶于乙醚和二硫化碳,微溶于苯。呈强酸性,酸性与硫酸相当,但无氧化性,离解常数K=0.2(25℃)。苯磺酸的磺酸基可被多种基团取代,与氢氧化钠碱熔生成苯酚钠;与氰化钠反应生成苯腈;与溴反应生成溴代...
On the basis of the Hao scale, the pKa of benzenesulfonic acid is −6.65 ± 0.05. Substituent effects on the ionization of the sulfonic acid group are small; the Hammett ρ-value was estimated to be 0.7 ± 0.2.H. CerfontainLaboratory for Organic ChemistryNw. Achtergracht 129B. W. ...
AcidDissociationConstants Ionicstrength(,)(0),0.1M§ NameStructure*pKa†Ka‡pKa† AceticacidCH3CO2H4756175(10)5456(ethanoicacid) NH3, 2337153(10)336(10)10344(CO2H)868(NH3)HCH3O2Hlanine 46451(10)5601H3,minobenzeneaniline) 30186(10)4232O3SNH3,-Aminobenzenesulfonicacidsulfanilicacid) ...
AcidDissociationConstants Ionicstrength(,)(0),0.1M§ NameStructure*pKa†Ka‡pKa† AceticacidCH3CO2H4756175(10)5456(ethanoicacid) NH3, 2337153(10)336(10)10344(CO2H)868(NH3)HCH3O2Hlanine 46451(10)5601H3,minobenzeneaniline) 30186(10)4232O3SNH3,-Aminobenzenesulfonicacidsulfanilicacid) ...
Estimate the pKavalue of propionic acid, a food preservative. Oxygen shows the same hybridization effect on acidity as carbon and nitrogen. Each structure below loses an H+from its positively charged oxygen, resulting in a neutral oxygen. One of the structures has a pKaof −3.2, while the ...
Benzenesulfonic acid -6.5 Sulfuric acid -3 Hydronium ion -1.7 Hydrofluoric acid 3.2 Hydrogen sulfide 7 Hydrogen cyanide 9.3 Methanethiol 10.3 Methanol 16 Ammonia 36 Alkene 43 Hydrobromic acid -9 Conjugate acid of acetic acid -6 Conjugate acid of dimethyl ether -3.5 Conjugate acid of ethanol -2.4...
in our study. BA in human beings is the assigned responsibility. Our working hypothesis was that the Bacillus elizabethae species contained a functional bafA gene. To test this hypothesis, we investigated the proangiogenic activity of recombinant BafA produced by B. elizabethae strains. The bafA ge...
The sulfonic acid ionization does not follow the aniline H o acidity function, but the benzophenone H ao and the H A acidity functions. On the basis of the H ao scale, the p K a of benzenesulfonic acid is 6.65 ± 0.05. Substituent effects on the ionization of the sulfonic acid group ...