PoWFaucet Modularized faucet for EVM chains with different protection methods (Captcha, Mining, IP, Mainnet Balance, Gitcoin Passport and more) Why Faucets for ETH Testnets are spammed by bots. This faucet tries to reduce the efficiency of these automated requests by various protection methods. ...
Currently there is a ban on contract accounts receiving faucet funds based on this heuristic: PoWFaucet/src/eth/EthWalletManager.ts Lines 282 to 284 in ecdad2a public checkIsContract(addr: string): Promise<boolean> { return this.web3.eth...
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48 + fs.writeFileSync(clientFile, '/* @pow-faucet-client: {"version":"0.0.0","build":1337} */'); 49 + 39 50 let webServer = ServiceManager.GetService(FaucetHttpServer); 40 51 webServer.initialize(); 52 + webServer.initialize(); 41 53 let seoFile = path.join(faucetConf...
Modularized faucet for EVM chains with different protection methods (Captcha, Mining, IP, Mainnet Balance, Gitcoin Passport and more) - Stargazers · pk910/PoWFaucet
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