外键(ForeignKey,FK),是对主键的引用...和数据流模型提供有力的参考。2ERD符号 ER图包含实体、属性和关系。1.实体ERD实体是一个系统内可定义的事物或概念,对应数据库中的表,如人/角色(例如学生),对象(例如发票),概念 如何使用Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) 建模 - 关系数据库设计...
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Importantly, we observed that pulmonary neuroendocrine tumors (NETs), including small-cell lung cancer (SCLC), express PKM1, and that PKM1 expression is required for SCLC cell proliferation. Our findings provide a rationale for targeting PKM1 therapeutically in certain cancer subtypes, including ...
6 2-8. Removal of Control Switch Block (FK-8500) 2-4 3-3. End of Display 6 2-9. Removal of Zoom Lens Block and VL-20/21 Board 2-4 4. Self-diagnosis Code Table 7 2-10. Removal of DD-117 and PJ-90/91 Boards 2-4 2-11. Removal of VC-215 abd SE-80/81 Boards 2-5 1...
6 2-8. Removal of Control Switch Block (FK-8500) 2-4 3-3. End of Display 6 2-9. Removal of Zoom Lens Block and VL-20/21 Board 2-4 4. Self-diagnosis Code Table 7 2-10. Removal of DD-117 and PJ-90/91 Boards 2-4 2-11. Removal of VC-215 abd SE-80/81 Boards 2-5 1...