* This field MUST be initialized before registering the module. */ int priority; /** * Optional function to be called to initialize the module. This function * will be called by endpoint during module registration. If the value * is NULL, then it's equal to returning PJ_SUCCESS. * * ...
创建react本机应用程序时出现错误 弹出到裸react本机后出现ModuleRegistryConsumer错误 链接模块后发生Firebase React本机构建错误 页面内容是否对你有帮助? 有帮助 没帮助 相关·内容 文章 (0) 问答 (9999+) 视频 (0) 沙龙 (0) 1回答 安装模块中出现React本机PJSIP错误 、、、 我尝试在我的react原生项目中安装...
APJSIPmodule for React Native. Support Currently support for iOS and Android. Support video and audio communication. Ability to use Callkit and PushNotifications. You can use it to build an iOS/Android app that can communicate with SIP server. ...
When application goes to background, PJSIP module is still working and able to receive calls, but your javascipt is totally suspended. When User open your application, javascript start to work and now your js application need to know what status have your account or may be you have pending ...
When application goes to background, PJSIP module is still working and able to receive calls, but your javascipt is totally suspended. When User open your application, javascript start to work and now your js application need to know what status have your account or may be you have pending ...
1. sip stacks pjsip/bell-sip/sofia-sip/libeXosip/libre https://github.com/staskobzar/sip_stacks_examples 2. sip user agent and server network architecture 3. Installing pjsip on Ubuntu https://www.pjsip.org sudo apt-get install libasound2-dev ...
/pjsip_lib/libpj-arm-unknown-linux-androideabi.a LOCAL_MODULE := libpjmedia-arm-unknown-linux- 浏览6提问于2014-01-28得票数 0 回答已采纳 1回答 Ubuntupjsippython编译 、 在执行最后一步时,请遵循编译python和PjSIP的说明:/home/<user>/Downloads/pjproject-2.1.0/pjsip/lib/libpjsua-x86_64-unknown...
* Linux/x86, (user mode and as kernel module(!)). * Linux/alpha * Solaris/ultra. * MacOS X/powerpc * RTEMS (x86 and powerpc). * Symbian OS 2).非常小的足印.(Very small footprint) 官方宣称编译后的库<150Kb,我在PC上编译后加上strip后大概173Kb,这对于嵌入 ...
PJSIP的实现是为了能在嵌入式设备上高效实现SIP/VOIP. 1.PJSIP库的主要特征: 1).极具移植性.(Extremely portable) 当前可支持平台包括: * Win32/x86 (Win95/98/ME, NT/2000/XP/2003, mingw). * arm, WinCE and Windows Mobile. * Linux/x86, (user mode and as kernel module(!)). * Linux/alpha...
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'setuptools' 1. 2. 3. 4. 大概意思是在setup.py文件中的第9行找不到setuptools模块,这个模块是一个增强安装功能的模块,所以还要自己手动去安装 3.安装setuptools工具 setuptools模块下载地址,点击即可下载: https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/f7/b6/5b98441b6749ea1...