Other things which I'm not aware at the moment... Recompile native libraries Refer to PJSIP Android Builder Star 0 Fork 0 捐赠 0 人次 简介 SIP Service for Android based on PJSIP 暂无标签 Apache-2.0 发行版 暂无发行版 贡献者 (5) 全部 近期动态 5年前创建了仓库深圳...
hi I ran your build script seemed broken on vmware ubuntu 14.4.4 server 64bits . after downloaded and built openssl on mips64 , it stoped. Here is logs: Copying prebuilt binaries... Copying sysroot headers and libraries... Copying c++ ru...
update android cmd tools - #48 cadaf00 aenonGit added a commit that referenced this issue Jul 28, 2022 fix patch for callid - #48 2189dae aenonGit added a commit that referenced this issue Jul 28, 2022 make PJSIP_MAX_URL_SIZE change in config-site.h - #48 eff465c aenonGi...
Android version is based onreact-native-pjsip-builder iOS version is based onVialer-pjsip-iOS Installation iOS Android Usage First of all you have to initialize module to be able to work with it. There are some interesting moment in initialization. When application goes to background, PJSIP mo...
ubuntu 编译libsqlmysql Ubuntu 编译hbuilder 在Ubuntu上将Android的开发环境搭好,也能够进行真机调试之后,下一步就是进行安装NDK,然后进行jni的运用开发,这里也是一个初级的helloJNI,记录一下,大部分来自网上参考。根据网上资料的总结,android在linux上面进行ndk开发,主要分为下面几个步骤: 在shell中输入make -v,不...
./configure --host=arm-openwrt-linux-muslgnueabi --prefix=$PWD/install --disable-libwebrtc ...
Native PJSIP library for Android is compiled usingPJSIP Android Builder State of the art What is tested and working Single account Make a single call In-Call operations mute unmute hold un-hold blind transfer Attended call transfer send DTMF (RFC 2833) ...
Native PJSIP library for Android is compiled using PJSIP Android Builder State of the art What is tested and working: Single account Make a single call In-Call operations mute unmute hold un-hold blind transfer send DTMF (RFC 2833) Accept an incoming call Answer with video an incoming call...
Conference calls Attended call transfer Complete multiple accounts support Respond to a call and play a sound file Support for In-Call RTCP signaling to get call statistics Other things which I'm not aware at the moment... Recompile native libraries Refer to PJSIP Android Builder...
Android API 29 Android NDK r21e PJSIP 2.9.0 OPENSSL 1.0.2g OPENH264 1.7.0 OPUS 1.2.1 (?) Build for Android git clone https://github.com/datso/react-native-pjsip-builder cd react-native-pjsip-builder; ./build_android docker buildx build \ --platform linux/arm64,linux/amd64 \ --...