Hearing run in a quasi-judicial manner In line with North Carolina law, the recent hearing was run in a quasi-judicial manner, meaning board members were acting as judges who aren’t allowed to conduct their own research on the subject matter, with all deliberations between the board heard ...
PJM Regionshall have the meaning specified in the Operating Agreement. “PJM Tariff,”“Tariff,”“O.A.T.T.,”“OATT,” or “PJM Open Access Transmission Tariff” shall mean that certain PJM Open Access Transmission Tariff, including any schedules, appendices or exhibits attached thereto, on ...
The capacity must be available for the year starting June 1, 2011. The auction cleared 132,222 MW of "unforced capacity," meaning installed capacity after subtracting an estimated amount for forced outages. That 132,222 MW represented an 18.1% reserve margin.Cathy CashElectric Utility Week...
wholesale power marketers, some of which may be affiliated with generation, bid to serve load. In such case, the generator would not receive a direct "payment" from the BGS auction process for the electricity.
是能够同样自如地使用英语和法语的乔叟帮忙把“ruin”本土化为“倒塌”: Latin verb ruo meaning is “flushes” or “drops down”, draws out reality ruina to refer to the thing which the generation crashes.Is can use English and French Chaucer similarly freely helps “ruin” the native place to ...
· Meaning(意义) · Memory(记忆) · Mercy(仁慈) · Misery(悲惨) · Motivation(动机) · Mystery(神秘) · Nature(自然) · Need(需要) · Opportunity(机会) · Optimism(乐观) · Passion(激情) · Patience(耐心) · Peace(和平) · Perfection(完美) · Persistence(坚持) · Pleasure(快乐) ·...
In this essay, I intend to explain the meaning of the terms yin and yang and discuss the role they play in Chinese religions generally. Further, I will explain the way in which the symbolism of yin and yang contribute to the Chinese conception of the universe and the way that role is ...
The items used by Ralph and Jack in Golding’s novel will be later explained in the essay on how they represent power, what their meaning is, and their purpose in the story. 851 Words 4 Pages Decent Essays Read More Related Topics Mind English-language films Human Thought KILL A. R. ...
His interpretation of the birthmark creates conflict in the story, which is shaped by the symbolic meaning that he attributes it to. Aylmer’s failure to accept his wife’s appearance for who she is leads to misunderstandings, pain, and ultimately, death. 1138 Words 5 Pages Decent Essays ...
Words possess the ability to change meaning based on the tone of the speaker, as well as have the power to deeply influence another. In his many works, Shakespeare presents a distinctive style of language. Being intentional with the word choice, pauses, and tone of the character reveal how ...