品质保证 PJ3020B,PJ-3020B,PJ3020,5P耳机插座,PJ-320B 价格:0.29元更多产品优惠价> 最小采购量:10000 主营产品:轻触开关,拨动开关,迷你拨动开关,直键开关,微动开关,常闭轻触开关,手电筒拨动开关,挡拨迷你拨动开关,自锁直键开关,带轮微动开关,防水轻触开关,微型拨动开关,侧拨迷你拨动开关,耳机插座,按钮微动...
特性级别: 耐低温、标准级、耐候 品名: pc 厂家(产地): 韩国三养 用途级别: 食品级、通用级 销售方式: 品牌经销 牌号: 3020PJ 加工级别: 注塑级 产品规格: 25公斤 特性: 阻燃 阻燃性: 阻燃 价格说明 价格:商品在平台的展示标价,具体的成交价格可能因商品参加活动等情况发生变化,也可能随着购买...
Product Type A: Optical Zoom-lens Sensor B: Zoom-lens Sensor andContact Probe Sensor C: Zoom-lens Sensor and Z-axis Autofocus Function D: Zoom-lens Sensor, Contact Probe Sensor and Autofocus Function Model iMS-3020A iMS-3020B iMS-3020C iMS-3020D Code# 521-120G 521...
METHOD OF PREPARING AN EDIBLE PRODUCT AND EDIBLE PRODUCT The present invention relates to a method for the preparation of an edible product comprising non-viable molds and / or yeasts that are substantially intact in structure and that provide a health benefit, the method comprises subjecting viabl...