Analysis / Bias In review, PJ Media is a popular conservative news and opinion website that garners 13 million+ page views per month. PJ Media uses moderately loaded emotional language in their articles that favor the right, such as this:Suspended Pentagon Whistleblower Says FBI’s Russia Prob...
Ad Fontes Media rates PJ Media, a center-right opinion website, as hyper-partisan right in terms of bias and somewhat unreliable in terms ...
We also share information about your use of our site with our partners in social media, advertising, and analytics. By continuing to use our website, you accept the use of all cookies. You can always access and change your cookie preferences in the footer of this website. Cookie ...
Immigration is a hot-button issue that has become a popular and controversial media topic within the last decade. We are currently in the middle of a vicious presidential election where one candidate, Donald Trump, desires to build a wall across the Mexico-U.S. border and the other candidate...
However, one has to be careful in what they read, because some websites are not accurate and have lots of bias towards one thing or another dealing with the subject of ADHD. Everyday Health’s webpage on ADHD is a very informative source and well put together by using authority, ...
Criticism Of The Media In Gone Girl And The Braindead Megaphone When you turn on the television to get the latest news broadcast, do you ever wonder exactly how bias the information you’re receiving is? Whether it’s about politics, an investigation, or a criminal trial, a person must cr...
If you look at the media and various websites, you will see many success stories of criminals changing their ways. the thing is though that the media is flooded with feel-good stories. they never report the criminals that are constantly fired 931 Words 4 Pages Decent Essays Read More The ...
Media Bias In America The article elaborates on the mood when Mike Pence attended a showing of “Hamilton” and was booed by the audience and then given a speech by the audience of the musical which wants to inspire Pence to “protect our American values, and work on behalf of all of ...
In the book “Street Sex Work and Canadian Cities: Resisting a Dangerous Order” by Shawna Ferris, she discusses the influence of mainstream media representation of street workers on the ever-grown urbanized population. Across the country, media sources promote an anti-prostitution bias and incorpora...
The social media and the public might want police body cam footage release but sometimes it might be to graphic or controversial. Police body cameras have been a topic since the incident with Michael Brown in august of 2014. Police shot and killed an unarmed individual in ferguson, MO, leadin...